Delaware House
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Delaware House


sober living pittsburgh pennsylvaniaDelaware House Review

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Delaware House is a transitional living facility for women in early sobriety. As a part of Pyramid Healthcarean expansive behavioral health organization with locations throughout the statethe CARF-accredited program accepts clients from a range of referral sources, including the court system.

Accommodations and Amenities

The Delaware House is a collection of individual apartments, each equipped with its own kitchen and bathroom. Based on double-occupancy, the facility can accommodate up to 20 women at a time. Bedrooms are shared and come with standard amenities, such as end tables and closet space. To encourage independent living skills, residents are expected to prepare their own meals; however, the program does help with acquiring welfare and food stamps, if necessary.

Rules and Regulations

All residents must remain sober, submit to regular drug testing and obey the facility’s behavioral contract. Throughout their stay, clients move through a level system that dictates individual privileges and responsibilities, with more freedom granted as they progress. Depending on where clients are in their recovery, they may be required to attend outpatient treatment through one of Pyramid Healthcare’s programs, although clients transitioning from inpatient treatment may be exempt. Residents who are further along in recovery are required to get a job, pursue their education or volunteer. All residents are also expected to attend regular 12-step meetings. Depending on the client, the program can last up to 90 days.


Additional services offered by Pyramid Healthcare include residential and outpatient treatment. After transitioning out of Delaware House, clients looking for an aftercare program can attend outpatient treatment at a stepped down rate.

In Summary

Overall, Delaware House provides a safe sober living environment for women. While residents are afforded different experiences based on where they are in their recovery, the facility offers flexibility and support, as well an an integration in the local 12-step community. For gender-specific transitional housing in the Pittsburgh area, Delaware House is worth consideration.

Delaware House Location

Delaware House
1937 Delaware Ave, #103
Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Delaware House Cost

Sliding scale; county-funded for Allegheny residents only. Reach Delaware House by phone at (412) 371-3100. Find Delaware House via Pyramid Healthcare on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest

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