Managed Health Network Rehab and Sex Addiction Coverage
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Managed Health Network Rehab and Sex Addiction Coverage

Managed Health Network Rehab and Sex Addiction Coverage

Engaging in inappropriate or abnormal sexual behaviors impacts your health and your emotions. According to Psych Central, sexual addictions often result in unsafe sexual practices and risky activities, so it is important to seek treatment in a professional program before the situation results in a sexually transmitted disease or a similar health concern. Managed Health Network sex addiction coverage allows you to focus on your recovery goals so that you learn better ways to handle compulsive behaviors.

Coverage for Treatment

Managed Health Network sex addiction coverage varies between every policy, but most plans offer some treatment options that allow you to focus on your goals and health concerns. Generally, your policy will pay for in-network treatment services as long as you comply with authorization requirements and obtain appropriate referrals for your treatment program.

Since behavioral health coverage also allows individuals to seek in-patient treatment in some policies from Managed Health Network, it allows you to seek treatment from a program that addresses your specific concerns and goals. Keep in mind that some policies will only pay for in-network treatment services and in-patient treatment usually requires a referral from a doctor. You might also need pre-authorization before starting a treatment program for a sex addiction.

Selecting a Treatment Program

According to Psych Central, certain forms of sexual addictions like exhibitionism or severe fetishes take more time than simple compulsive behaviors because an individual victimizes another person. Due to the potential complications associated with sexual addictions, you must select a treatment plan that focuses on your specific goals.

Factors to consider in any program include:

  • The limitations in your policy for treatment duration
  • Pre-authorization standards and requirements
  • Referrals from a doctor for certain programs
  • Possible complications, such as your career goals or personal obligations
  • The treatment that a medical professional recommends
  • Health problems associated with your behaviors

Managed Health Network sex addiction coverage allows you to seek treatment in several different programs as long as you comply with any standards or requirements described in your policy. Depending on your goals and the policy you purchased, the best treatment program for your situation will vary.

Treating a sexual addiction allows you to engage in healthier activities and rebuild healthy relationships with a significant other. Since many policies from Managed Health Network offer coverage for behavioral health concerns, you have treatment options that help you avoid inappropriate sexual behaviors.