Rehab Reviews

New Beginnings

The Basics

New Beginnings of Edinburgh Texas, is primarily an adolescent outpatient substance abuse treatment facility that recently expanded its services to adults as well. Located at the very southern tip of Texas, New Beginnings is only about 20 miles from the border of Mexico. The facility provides totally individualized therapeutic programs that include group and individual therapy and work with each client to connect them to outside support communities, like AA or NA.

Treatment and Staff

Many of the adolescent clients come to this facility due to a referral from school or as a recommendation from the parents. The programs do vary between the adolescent track, which is mainly group therapy, and the adult track, which usually includes several individual therapy sessions. New Beginnings offers flexible treatment times, day scheduling for the adult clients, and after school hours for the adolescents, and they can also offer weekend therapy hours as the program expands.

The therapy approaches include CBT, DBT and Motivational Interviewing (MI). For both the adults and adolescents there is an education element that offers classes on relapse prevention and life skills, though particularly there is an emphasis on the adolescent clients building maintaining healthy relationships with their families. To this end, family therapy is sometimes incorporated.

At the moment there are no formal outpatient programs for adults offered at New Beginnings simply due to the fact that until recently they’re main focus was adolescents. However, the staff is very flexible and is able to provide more programming hours when the need arises. For now, the norm is for adults to attend individual therapy sessions between one or three times weekly and attend community 12-step meetings in the evenings, and gradually reduce treatment hours.

New Beginnings offers experienced professional counselors who have trained specifically in the addiction field. They are also a clinical training institute location that the state of Texas has certified, resulting in therapists who have an LCDC accreditation.


For both the adults and adolescents there is a family program offered at the facility. This usually entails regular individual family therapy sessions, and if more assistance is needed, referrals to outside agencies.

In Summary

New Beginnings offers flexible program hours to accommodate their clients, and are able to open the door with referrals for more intensive treatment is necessary. With an emphasis on developing a support system in the local 12-step community and highly individualized care, this is a great choice for those seeking flexible outpatient care in south Texas.

New Beginnings
3120 Center Pointe Dr
Edinburg, TX 78539

New Beginnings Cost: $200-$600 (30 days). Reach New Beginnings by phone (956) 381-1189 or by email at

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