Rehab Reviews

Kalamazoo Psychology LLC

The Basics

Kalamazoo Psychology, LLC of Kalamazoo, Michigan is an outpatient facility that offers individualized substance abuse treatment programs that are both client-focused and goal-oriented. KP’s programs consist primarily of individual therapy sessions rooted in evidence-based techniques.

Treatment and Staff

Treatment begins with an in-person assessment to establish how many sessions each client must attend. Participants are typically recommended to attend one or two sessions a week for a period determined by therapists. Though treatment for chemical dependency is usually based on individual therapy sessions, KP does offer many group therapy sessions covering a variety of topics like binge eating, sex addiction and anger management that may also be helpful to clients. There are also gender-specific groups, a veterans’ support group and sessions for those with co-occurring disorders.

The treatment offered at KP is evidence based and includes CBT, EMDR, Motivational Interviewing (MI) and DBT. Coping and parenting skills groups may also be offered. Sessions teach methods and techniques to deal with anxiety, stress and PTSD. The staff consists of eight counselors and therapists who specialize in a variety of subjects pertaining to the behavioral well-being of their clients. Among them are Master’s-level psychologists, LPCs and CADCs.


In addition to addiction counseling, KP also provides couples and family counseling which can be offered on a group or individual basis. The facility can also provide assessments to clients who have lost their drivers licenses due to a DUI. Finally, the facility also provides counseling to adolescent clients as well, though not for substance abuse. Support for LGBT clients is also available.

In Summary

Overall, Kalamazoo Psychology LLC offers treatment for drug addiction and co-occurring disorders primarily through one-on-one attention. While the programs are not particularly intensive, they are highly individualized and supported by a professional staff. While those in need of more comprehensive programming may want to look elsewhere, Kalamazoo Psychology LLC remains a great resource for those in the area.

Kalamazoo Psychology, LLC
122 W. South St
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Kalamazoo Psychology LLC Cost: $100 (assessments); $125 per session (individual therapy); $65 per session (group therapy). Reach Kalamazoo Psychology LLC by phone at (269) 349-4219 or by email at

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Photo courtesy of User Mxobe on en.wikipedia (Own work) [Public domain], via WikimediaCommons (resized and cropped)

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