Rehab Reviews

Abundant Wellness Center

Abundant Wellness Center Review

Founded in 2002 in Post Falls, Idaho, Abundant Wellness Center offers several types of outpatient treatment for clients struggling with addiction. The organization specializes in an alternative method they call heart-centered hypnotherapy, an experiential therapy combining psychotherapy and hypnosis used to treat substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.

Treatment and Staff

Abundant Wellness Center offers each client an individualized treatment plan, so program length tends to vary. Their standard outpatient track is identical to the Intensive Outpatient (IOP) one, except the IOP is nine or more hours a week and the standard is only nine. Both include group therapy and individual therapy.

These CBT and DBT-based groups discuss topics including relapse prevention, early recovery, coping skills and anger management. Individual therapy provides dual diagnosis support and also focuses on managing stress and dealing with grief. These one-on-one sessions combine counseling with hypnotherapy, which is designed to promote healing by connecting clients to suppressed feelings and memories. Sessions are usually 45 to 50 minutes long, and clients typically come once or twice a week.

There are eight licensed counselors and therapists on staff—three of the therapists also have additional hypnosis training. Group therapy costs start at $50 per session, while individual therapy is $125 per session. Sliding fee scales are available for those who qualify.


Abundant Wellness Center recommends their specialized heart-centered hypnotherapy for a variety of issues other than substance abuse—these can include eating disorders, smoking cessation, anxiety, phobias, pain management and PTSD, among others. Therapeutic counseling for children, adolescents and couples is also available.

For those court-ordered to attend a treatment program, Abundant Wellness Center also offers DUI evaluations and an Alcohol and Drug Information School that meets on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. They also have a 52-week, state-approved domestic violence program.

In Summary

Overall, Abundant Wellness Center could be a good option for those seeking a light schedule or an alternative approach. Still, those struggling with more serious addictions or dual-diagnoses in need of more intensive care may want to look elsewhere.

Abundant Wellness Center Location

Abundant Wellness Center
1125 East Polston Ave, Ste A
Post Falls, ID 83854

Abundant Wellness Center Cost

Sliding scale. Reach Abundant Wellness Center by phone at (208)457-1540 or by email at Find Abundant Wellness Center on Google+

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