Rehab Reviews

Why Out-of-State Treatment May Be Best for Teens

Addiction doesn’t discriminate according to age, it can be progressive and fatal for anyone. According to SAMHSA, approximately 23.5 million people aged 12 and older need treatment for addiction of some kind, but only about 2.6 million will actually get help. Individuals in early recovery are often told they need to change their “people, places and things.” This is because destructive patterns and habits are usually associated with certain friends, hangouts or activities. For teens struggling with substance abuse, this can be especially problematic since they may not have the option to move or change schools. In these cases, out of state treatment can be a great solution to eliminate negative influences and distractions. This can help young people break the cycle of addition, focus on developing healthy coping skills and return to their home environment with a new, sober perspective.

Safe Landing Recovery for Teens is a Miami-based facility that offers specialized treatment for teens facing substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Safe Landing works hard to address the underlying causes of addiction, including unresolved traumas, depression, PTSD and other mental health disorders. The facility offers a full range of treatment services, including inpatient care, a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). Safe Landing tackles some of the unique challenges facing young people like addressing social issues, building self-confidence and developing a sense of personal accountability. For families seeking a comprehensive facility that can help their loved one grow in a structured, protected environment, Safe Landing is a great choice.

The decision for a teen to leave their home state to seek help is a big one and there are many factors to consider. Some families consider out-of-state treatment simply because it can help their teen “reset” to be removed from the situations associated with their drug use. Relationships can be a trigger for substance abuse; either due to the unhealthy influences of peers or using drugs to cope with family issues. However, simply escaping will not solve the problems and the staff at Safe Landing understands that. Family counseling via phone or video chat can address dysfunction and communication issues impacting the family and individual therapy can help teens come to terms with issues like poor boundaries or abusive romantic relationships that may be contributing to the problems back home.

It’s easy to overlook the simple fact that going to treatment far from home makes it harder for a teen to leave. It is much easier to discharge against medical advice while enrolled at a local facility. At times, the initial apprehension and discomfort from being removed from their element can be enough to cause someone to leave rehab early if the opportunity presents itself—a safe environment far from home is a good way to eliminate this option. Even though distance is not an absolute deterrent, teens may think twice about stopping treatment before completing the program if they have no immediate way to get home. That added barrier can be enough to encourage teens to continue even when doing so becomes uncomfortable.

During rehab, it is important for the client to be able to focus exclusively on recovery. There are outside contributing factors, but the first and foremost priority is to get to the underlying cause of the addiction. Even though it may seem normal to want loved ones close, sometimes those new in rehab focus more on what they’re missing at home than their own recovery. When attending an out-of-state facility, the client has no other option but to eventually stop worrying about what is going on at home and just focus on getting better.

Unlike programs that treat all residents of different ages relatively the same way, Safe Landing focuses exclusively on teens. While in the program, all residents go through fully structured days including individual and group therapy with evidence-based treatment practices like CBT and DBT, stress and anger management, creative expression arts therapy and educational support. In addition to recovery principles, young adults are also taught the importance of nutrition and diet. As an added bonus, Safe Landing’s facilities also offer all the natural beauty and comfortable climate that Florida has to offer. During down time, residents can relax or get in a workout. The program also includes a wide range of amenities including catered meals, on-site haircuts and weekly recreational outings to movies, sporting events and museums.

Sending a teen to treatment is an investment in the future of a family. Young people who are struggling with addiction and co-occurring disorders need a caring staff that has their best needs at heart. In addition to dealing with the pressures of addiction, they are also learning how to grow into responsible adults. Many families find that teens have a much better chance at success if they leave their current environment and seek treatment out of state. Safe Landing is an excellent option in Miami that offers privacy, comfort and an expert staff to ensure clients the brightest possible future. For teens struggling with addiction, getting treatment can change the course of their lives.

Reach Safe Landing by phone at (888) 982-6244 or by email at Find Safe Landing on Facebook and YouTube

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