Rehab Reviews

West Virginia Treatment Programs

West Virginia

West Virginia rehabs are located throughout the state, and include both West Virginia drug rehab and West Virginia alcohol rehab programs. Some of the statistics related to substance abuse in West Virginia have demonstrated serious addiction issues in the state, leading to action to provide better efforts to deter substance abuse and for increased substance abuse treatment in West Virginia.

Find a rehab in West Virginia right now.

West Virginia drug rehab

The need for drug treatment in the State of West Virginia is easily realized when looking at statistics provided by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. In 2007-2008, West Virginia “was one of the top ten states for rates in several drug-use categories among young adults age 18-25.” Those drug-use categories were cocaine use during the past one year period, the past one-month period of illicit drug use of drugs other than marijuana and illicit drug dependence.

The number of drug-induced deaths in West Virginia is also higher than the national average. In 2013, Trust for America’s Health reported that West Virginia had “the Highest Drug Overdose Mortality Rate in the United States,” with the mortality rate due to drug abuse being 28.9 per 100,000 people. With these and similar statistics, West Virginia is taking action to increase funding for treatment programs and to make treatment more accessible to West Virginia residents.

West Virginia alcohol rehab

The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility notes a decrease in alcohol-impaired fatalities in West Virginia for the 10-year period from 2002-2012. However, when alcohol-related fatalities did occur, 77.1 per cent of those involved in the fatalities had blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 15+. The legal limit for alcohol in West Virginia is 0.08. Additionally, most of the alcohol-related fatalities involved repeat offenders.

West Virginia alcohol rehab programs do not treat just the alcoholism – the whole person is treated. There are inpatient treatment centers and outpatient rehab centers that serve the needs of people seeking alcohol treatment in West Virginia.

West Virginia rehabs

West Virginia rehabs serve the needs of the general population as well as special groups of the population such as teenagers, ex-offenders or those with dual diagnosis disorders. Some people may prefer a rehab program that is gender-specific, feeling more comfortable in a men-only or women-only rehab program.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy points out that in 2009, treatment program admissions for prescription drugs ranked higher than other drug-of-choice admissions in West Virginia, specifically that opiates, including prescription drugs, are the most commonly cited drugs among primary drug treatment admissions in the state.” Marijuana was second, with numerous other substances also responsible for treatment admissions. No matter the substance that you are addicted to, there are West Virginia rehabs available to help you get clean and sober.

Treatment programs in West Virginia

The Justice Center Council of State Governments announced the significant steps that West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin took in May 2014 to award more than $1.2 million “in grants for community-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services.” The money is being spent in “multiple communities throughout West Virginia.” Inpatient rehab as well as outpatient rehab facilities will receive additional funding. New treatment programs in the state are also going to serve residents.

Whether you have an alcohol or other drug addiction, there is a West Virginia treatment program for you. Rehab Reviews is the largest, most trusted site for rehab reviews and can help you find the ideal treatment program. There is no need to go anywhere else. You may have insurance for rehab that will help pay the cost of your treatment.

Find a rehab in West Virginia right now.

Source:,, CSG Justice Center

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