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Transitional Living

For people who are early in drug or alcohol recovery, or newly out of treatment, life can feel uncertain. Getting is a major life change. A way of life that you are used to is behind you, and you may feel anxious about what lies ahead.

Living situations can further complicate the matter. Perhaps you are unsure of where you will live once you are out of treatment. Family may not be an option. You may not have any clean and sober family members or friends to turn to. In situations like this, transitional living can provide the perfect solution.

What Is Transitional Living?

A transitional living center is temporary supportive housing for recovering addicts and alcoholics. This is most often the next step after an inpatient treatment center.

Transitional living centers are often run by the treatment centers, although some are privately owned or a part of another organization.

Transitional living is similar to a sober living environment, although it may be a more restrictive environment, or have a more structured schedule.

Typically, residents will have more freedom than they did while in rehab, and are often encouraged to search for employment, or enroll in school.

Transitional living centers are ideal because many recovering addicts or alcoholics struggle with some of the day to day challenges of life. For some, it has been a long time since they have had a job, or lived on their own. This type of living situation allows the recovering person to acclimate to their new, clean and sober life.

How Long Will I Have To Stay At A Transitional Living Center?

This will depend on the requirements of the program. Stays at a transitional program may be as short as 30 days or up to a year. A common length of time is six months. The transitional program may be optional, or it may be required as part of the initial treatment program. Many clients opt for transitional living centers because they do not feel ready to be “on their own” after treatment. These centers provide a supportive, clean and sober, homelike environment so that the recovering addict or alcoholic can get back on their feet.

What Is It Like To Live In Transitional Housing?

Most transitional living centers are homes that are licensed and can have several clients living in them at any given time. Rooms may be single or shared. There will often be house meetings, chores, groups or other recovery-related activities. Residents will likely be required to submit to regular drug testing, and possibly be required to attend 12-step meetings, depending on the nature of the program.

There will be much less structure at a transitional living home than there is in residential treatment. There will be more free time, more opportunities to socialize and time to explore employment, education and hobbies. With that said, there will still be requirements and rules to be followed. For example, you may have a curfew and will not be allowed to have overnight guests. These are common rules in most transitional homes.

Why Should I Choose Transitional Living?

You have already spent time in rehab, you are newly clean and sober and you want to get on with your life. Why should you go to a transitional living center?

Long-term success is a big factor. Even after completing a rehab program successfully, relapse is unfortunately common. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Stress, lack of a clean and sober living environment or exposure to drugs and alcohol early in recovery can all sabotage efforts to stay on the right path. Other issues that can complicate early recovery are relationships and problems with family. Giving yourself time to heal, to allow family members and friends to heal and to address any major issues before returning home can help not only your recovery, but your relationships as well.

The additional support and safety that a transitional home provides can make a big difference. The longer a recovering person can take advantage of this support the higher his or her chances of success.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is a big emphasis in post-rehab groups and classes. Relapse is an unfortunate reality for many recovering addicts and alcoholics. Learning how to cope with stressful situations, how do identify and deal with triggers and what to do if you are confronted with drugs are alcohol are all skills that you will begin learning in rehab, but continue learning and practicing in transitional living.

Dealing With Emotions In Recovery

The first year of recovery can feel like a roller coaster. If you have been using and drinking for a period of time, you may find that you don’t just “get back to normal” right away. This is common. You may experience bouts of depression or anxiety after getting clean and sober. If you don’t get support during these times, you could be at risk for relapse.

This is another benefit of transitional living. You don’t have to go it alone during this time. You will have the help of your housemates and staff. You will get to voice your concerns during in-house groups. And you will still be able to take steps toward getting on with your life, so that when your time in transitional living is up, you are ready to take the next step.

Time spent in a transitional home can also give you the time you need to repair relationships with family. There are often classes or groups around topics such as communication, and there may be additional services for family.

Finding The Right Transitional Living Center

While many transitional living centers are run by treatment centers, some are not. You may want a transitional living center near your home, or a transitional home that allows pets or children. Whatever your needs are, can help you find treatment centers, transitional homes or sober living environments quickly and easily, many with reviews.

Your insurance may cover part or all of your stay in a transitional home. You can find out quickly by visiting


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