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Texas Children’s Health Plan Rehab and Internet Addiction Coverage

Texas Children’s Health Plan Rehab and Internet Addiction Coverage

Using the Internet allows children and teenagers to learn new information, stay in contact with friends and keep up in their classes. Unfortunately, excessive Internet use and abuse leads to emotional health concerns and social problems. Stanford University estimates that 1 in 8 Americans show signs of problematic Internet use and abuse. When the use of the Internet interferes with a child’s social skills, homework or other activities, a parent must consider the possibility of compulsive or addictive behaviors.

Coverage for Internet Addiction

Texas Children’s Health Plan Internet addiction coverage depends on the policy details and the specific way that Internet use interferes with a child’s lifestyle. In general, the policy will pay for reasonable treatments as long as a doctor determines that a child needs the treatment or it impacts a child’s life in a negative way. Policies from Texas Children’s Health Plan usually cover medically necessary mental and behavioral health treatments.

Although the Texas Children’s Health Plan Internet addiction coverage offers a solution to help with treatment, the exact details of the policy will vary. Some policies require a referral from a doctor or pre-certification before children start a treatment program. Although the policies often cover in-patient treatments, the coverage does not always apply to behavioral health concerns unless it causes significant problems in a child’s life.

Seeking Treatment

Due to the complexities of the situation, the best treatment program for a child or teenager’s needs will vary. Factors to consider when looking for a treatment program include:

Generally, an out-patient program allows a child to continue attending school and work on addiction recovery. An in-patient program removes a child from his or her home environment, but the programs usually set age restrictions. Texas Children’s Health Plan Internet addiction coverage allows children or teenagers to enter a treatment program, but only if they comply with the standards in the policy and the treatment facility.

Since Internet use allows individuals to stay connected with family and learn new information, the exposure to the Internet starts at a young age. Unfortunately, excessive Internet use results in long-term social and emotional health concerns. When an addiction or problematic Internet use occurs, a child or teenager needs treatment to start making positive changes and learning new ways to cope with problems in life. Treatment programs allow children and teenagers to start working on their problematic Internet use so that they improve their situation.

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