Rehab Reviews

Samaritan Recovery Community

Samaritan Recovery Community Review

Like the parable that inspired its name, Samaritan Recovery Community provides a refuge for those who are suffering, both from substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. It’s located in Nashville, Tennessee, and has offered treatment for addiction and mental health disorders since 1964. Originally, SRC served local homeless men, under the belief that everyone deserves an opportunity for recovery. Since then it’s expanded to include women, and now offers outpatient programs and transitional housing. This non-profit is one of the largest treatment facilities in Nashville, and has both a good relationship with local government and credibility within the community.

Accommodations and Food

SRC sits on a sprawling campus with historic brick buildings, all with stately white columns and trim. The interior community rooms vary significantly in style; one features Queen Anne style furnishings, potted plants and a fireplace; another has garish pink walls with rustic wood furnishings and workout equipment. Semi-private bedrooms house two to a room, each with a shared bathroom and dated but clean furnishings. All beds are twin-sized, and private rooms are not available. The dining room feels like a cross between a college cafeteria and a rustic cabin. Most meals feature country-style cooking, though special meals can be catered to those with food allergies. Caffeine and sugar are allowed in limited quantities.

During inpatient, cell phones are not allowed and telephone use is limited; a primary counselor must approve phone calls. Nevertheless, family and friends are encouraged to support recovery through in-person visits to the facility, particularly during the weekly “concerned persons group” meeting and on Sunday afternoons during a brief window of time. The program is said to require clients to find gainful employment within two weeks, and they may be discharged if they fail to do so.

Treatment and Staff

Treatment at SRC is 12-step based and lasts for 28 days (it does not offer on-site detox) and that can be followed by a transitional housing option for 90 days, either on the same campus or in homes within the neighborhood and surrounding community. The facility describes itself as providing a highly-structured, comprehensive program supervised by a multi-disciplinary staff, including a medical director, licensed substance abuse counselors, CSWs, a licensed psychological examiner, a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a nurse. Average staff tenure is 12 years, and many clients eventually graduate to positions on the staff.

In the residential treatment program, daily activities are scheduled from 8 am to 4:30 pm, with evenings open for clients to participate in staff-supervised AA/NA support group meetings, available both on or off-campus. Group therapy sessions are two hours daily with individual therapy scheduled differently on a case-by-case basis.


The campus features grassy areas and recreational courts for tennis, volleyball or badminton. Otherwise, on-campus activities are pretty minimal. SRC offers a media room in which television is allowed for a limited period of time, but it’s primarily used for showing DVDs about addiction.

In Summary

Like other state-supported treatment facilities, SRC is independently evaluated by a third party, in this case the University of Memphis Institute for Substance Abuse Research and Evaluation. According to its most recent findings, the program boasts an 88 percent completion rate and a 78 percent rate of abstinence, outperforming statewide outcomes by as much as 20 percent in many categories; it even boasts a 94 percent client satisfaction rate as well. Overall, Samaritan Recovery Community gets the job done, with solid data to back up most of their claims. It’s not about creating a spa-like retreat experience, but perhaps therein lies its success.

Samaritan Recovery Community, Inc. Location

319 South 4th St
Nashville, TN 37206

Samaritan Recovery Community, Inc. Cost

Samaritan Recovery Community cost: $6,000 (28 days). Reach Samaritan Recovery Community by phone at (615) 244-4802 or by e-mail at Find Samaritan Recovery Community on Facebook

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