Rehab Reviews

Rehabs for Mature Adults

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It affects all types of people from all walks of life and all age groups. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and you don’t know where to turn, there is help available, regardless of your situation, type of drug or alcohol used, and your age, financial situation or lifestyle.

Senior citizens are also vulnerable to addiction, particularly in today’s age of increased prescription drug use. This presents special problems for treating this population.

Finding The Right Rehab

If you are considering a residential or outpatient rehab center, it is important to give careful consideration to the type of facility, services provided and treatment modality. Rehab can be enormously successful in treating addiction, and finding the right fit can increase that success.

If you are an older adult, it may be helpful to choose a rehab that caters to your unique needs. While you can certainly find recovery in any treatment facility, you may find yourself more comfortable in a treatment center that focuses on senior citizens, in an environment specifically geared toward your age group.

Choosing A Specialized Program

The time spent in a treatment center for addiction is extremely important. It is your time. Time to focus on your health, your recovery and your growth. It is important that you feel comfortable, and that your needs are addressed. Rehabs that serve a specific group of people are often better equipped to do that.

Rehabs that don’t specialize can be high-quality facilities, and clients may have a wonderful, positive experience there, however, because the facility is treating a varied population, they may simply not be able to offer more personalized services. This is one reason why you might want to select a more specialized program.

Rehabs For Older People

A rehab facility that is geared toward senior citizens or mature adults can often offer an environment that is more supportive and welcoming than a one-size-fits-all rehab. Mature adults often have different needs emotionally and physically, as well as different underlying issues and experiences. Respecting these differences and meeting these needs can increase the chances of a successful recovery.

Addressing Physical Needs

Older adults often have increased physical needs that require special care. Unfortunately, some rehabs are simply not equipped to meet those needs, and do not have the staff and services available. These needs may include:


Good, comprehensive care includes nutrition. Senior citizen rehabs may have a wider availability of nutritious foods, or be better able to accommodate special diets, such as those for diabetic clients. Eating right is essential to recovering, so it is important that your rehab be able to address your nutritional needs.

Peer Relationships

In most rehab settings, regardless of the treatment modality, peer relationships are important. Much time may be spend in groups or less formal social situations. Often, the relationships you develop in rehab may extend after rehab, leading to long-term friendship and support. Rehabs for older people can allow for easier relationship and trust-building.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with mixed-age rehabs, it may be more difficult to relate to other clients. Not only that, but cultural differences with age groups may make clients uncomfortable. You may simply feel more comfortable and safe, and much less distracted in rehabs for older people.

Finding The Right Rehab For You

If you have decided to look into rehabs for older people, it helps to have an idea of what types of treatment are available, and what your needs are.

Treatment Models

There are a few different treatment models found in rehabs, and some rehabs integrate more than one approach.

Twelve Step Treatment

Twelve step treatment is well-known and widely practiced. It is based on the original work of Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Along with a colleague, he came up with the 12 steps, and since then, these steps have been adapted to fit other 12 step programs, including Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous, as well as programs for gambling, overeating and co-dependency.

Twelve step programs emphasize the working of the steps, reliance on a higher power, principles of service and ongoing attendance at 12 step meetings. Over the years, many people all over the world have achieved sobriety through twelve step programs.

Non-12 Step Programs

Recovery is not limited to twelve step programs, however. There are plenty of non twelve step programs available. Some emphasize different models of self-help, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and other strategies to overcome addiction. There are also non-12 step faith-based rehabs.

Holistic Treatment Programs

Holistic treatment programs are often eclectic in their approaches to treatment, pulling from several different disciplines.

Their approaches often emphasize treating the “whole person”, treating addiction from a physical, emotional, spiritual and mental standpoint.

Services and activities at holistic rehabs may include yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massage therapy, individual and group counseling, nutrition and supplement therapy, neurofeedback and more.

If you have never attended a rehab before, it may be difficult to know which approach is right for you. Addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits all proposition, so it is important to take your individual needs, beliefs and values into consideration when choosing a rehab.

How To Find Rehabs For Mature Adults

Finding the right rehab can be challenging, and local referrals may be limited. You want to have as many options as possible. lists a wide variety of senior citizen rehabs as well as related services such as counseling and aftercare. You will find links to any kind of addiction-related services you may need.

If you are concerned about cost, it may help to know that many insurance policies will cover some or even all of the costs of treatment. You can find out quickly and easily at

Seeking treatment for addiction or alcoholism is the first step in a life free of addiction. The road to recovery can begin with a simple phone call. If you or a loved one is struggling, make that call today and start your new life.


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