Rehab Reviews

Positive Recovery Solutions

The Basics

Positive Recovery Solutions (PRS) was founded by a nurse named Amanda Cope in response to the astounding numbers of clients who were falling victim to the opioid crisis throughout the state of Pennsylvania. In order to combat the crisis she developed PRS, which operates a mobile medical facility, along with a brick and mortar location in Pittsburgh, to administer Vivitrol within several communities. Initially beginning as a program for recently released inmates who were willing to adhere to a strict treatment regimen in addition to regular appointments to maintain their medication, PRS now offers a variety of medical services and case management options.

Treatment and Staff

Positive Recovery Solutions is currently serving 28 Pennsylvania counties and is growing each month. Programs are open to those who voluntarily elect for medication management and those who come from the criminal justice system. All clients are monitored for drug and alcohol usage if they agree to participate, and if they decide to use they are removed from the program.

Vivitrol is the main treatment that clients receive at PRS for a number of reasons. Mainly Vivitrol isn’t an opiate like Suboxone or Methadone, so there is no risk of clients trading one addiction for another. Vivitrol works for both opioid and alcohol dependence by blocking the opioid receptor centers of the brain, and is long acting. There is also no possibility of using Vivitrol as a street drug, so there’s no risk of clients using it to sell or as a supplement to their usage of heroin or Oxycontin. The medication is administered monthly and is provided in injection form. The treatment team works with a number of drug courts throughout the state along with treatment facilities to coordinate care. These programs are most successful when the clients receive medication and attend regular counseling and drug education classes.

Clients can either receive treatment at the office or from the mobile units, which offer treatment via appointment Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Though these are the set times that most clients are expected to receive their medications, in some cases the staff is able to extend hours slightly. In both the mobile and stationary locations there are private exam rooms and educational materials available. 

The staff is made up of outreach professionals and educations, and is operated by medical professionals who are registered nurses with extensive experience working with clients who have dealt with addiction. They are able to provide referrals to outside treatment agencies or 12-step meetings, and offers crisis care and case management coordination.


Positive Recovery Solutions is growing rapidly and expects to be able to serve more counties with additional units in the near future.

In Summary

With the growth of clients who are getting addicted to opioids, Positive Recovery Solutions offers judgement free, medical help for those who are truly looking to be free of their debilitating addictions. The community program brings help to those who don’t live in areas that would regularly offer this kind of care, which has resulted in a high success rate; over 86%,of clients stay on track with their treatment for over six months by combining medication and counseling.

Positive Recovery Solutions
378 W Chestnut St
Washington, PA 15301

Positive Recovery Solutions Cost: All insurance is accepted, including Medicaid. Reach Postitive Recovery Solutions by phone at (412) 660-7064. Find Positive Recovery Solutions on Facebook

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