Rehab Reviews

Ocean Breeze Recovery

Ocean Breeze Recovery Review

Thirty yards from the water, Ocean Breeze Recovery in Pompano Beach, Florida was founded in 2010 by Pete and Kim Cogan, a sober couple with over 20 years in recovery, who claim that personal attention and keeping the census small are the keys to success. And though each of them can still be found at the dual diagnosis treatment center from 10 am -5 pm every weekday with their clients, the roster has doubled in size, from 30 to 60, since 2012.

Accommodations and Food

Up to four clients share one of 15 two-bedroom condos at the Ocean Breeze residence, a mile from the treatment center. The rooms in the low-rise structure are double occupancy with shared bathrooms and everyone sleeps in a twin bed, but the living rooms are spacious with ocean views and each unit has its own television. Men and women are housed separately, but the complex has its own pool and communal areas for socializing during free time. A nutritionist and private off-site fitness center are made available, but not required, and weekends are for loosely structured R&R—sleep ins, workouts and beach barbeques.

There is but one food restriction here—no Red Bull. Residents shop for and prepare their own meals, often pooling resources and sharing cooking duties. They are also expected to do their own laundry and keep their condos clean, the idea being that rehab should prepare you for the work of regular life.

Treatment and Staff

The recommendations of the individual therapists drive the 28-day treatment program at Ocean Breeze. First a client is assessed and the detox needs determined. Medical detox happens at one of the sister facilities for an extra fee, but supervised detox is managed on-site. Each accredited therapist manages a caseload of seven to 10 clients and weekdays begin at 10 am at the treatment center. There are three days of individual sessions and two days of group processing, rounded out with relapse prevention classes and addiction education. At 5 pm, clients are chauffeured back to the residence to eat and attend a 12-step meeting.

The therapists themselves are eclectic in focus, approaching recovery from a variety of angles—cognitive behavioral techniques, inner child work, trauma and psychotherapy to name a few. There is even a Christian therapist for individuals interested in a Bible-based program. And if the client-to-therapist relationship proves to be tumultuous, it is possible to shift to another professional.

There are roughly as many staff members as there are clients at any given time at Ocean Breeze. Behavioral technicians are available 24/7 at the residence and often there are 50 employees at the treatment center during the day, so no one is ever really alone. A family weekend is scheduled during the initial phase of the program at Ocean Breeze, but because clients often come from outside of the immediate area, therapists work to accommodate phone time, conference calls and family schedules.

Upon completing their initial 28 days, recommendations are made as to how clients should proceed. Ocean Breeze offers an extension of the residential program at a discounted rate, as well as an outpatient option, where the focus becomes advanced skill building classes, as well as anger management and motivational training.

In Summary

Being steps from the sand of the Atlantic Ocean is a great complement to the turmoil of recovery, and though Ocean Breeze’s program has doubled in size in the last two years, the staff-to-client ratio has remained comparable, as well as the attention to the needs of the individual.

The focus seems to be first simulating a 9 to 5 work week and then transitioning into an actual one, the goal being a successful merger of clients with society. Residents are even encouraged to consider careers in the field of addiction and recovery where applicable, paying it forward in the spirit of Ocean Breeze’s founders, and the 12-step philosophy of being of service.

Ocean Breeze Recovery Location

2413 E. Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach, FL

Ocean Breeze Recovery Cost

$20,000 (28 days, continued inpatient treatment starting at $8,500). Managed medical detox $3,000 to $7,000 extra at sister facility. Reach Ocean Breeze Recovery by phone at (855) 212-2504. Find Ocean Breeze Recovery on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+

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