Rehab Reviews

Noah’s House

Noah’s House Review

Noah’s House is a faith based men’s transitional living facility located in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. This  is a non-profit program owned and operated by two former addicts who wanted to provide a safe and supportive space to help their clients reacclimate  into society. Noah’s House works with adult men who have either been incarcerated or have been through a treatment program and need a sober environment for the first six months of their recovery. This program incorporates the 12-steps along with behavior modification and structured day to day living. 

Accommodations and Amenities

The residence is situated in a former ranch house and can accommodate up to 12 clients. All of the bedrooms are shared between two or three men in each. The ranch house has two levels, and each one is identical to include a kitchen, living room and dining area. There is a TV in the house as well as wifi. 

Rules and Regulations

There are frequent, random drug tests performed on the residents. If a client fails a drug test, they are removed from the home immediately, without exception. This program is based on several levels, which include regular attendance of AA, NA or Celebrate Recovery meetings, participating in any court ordered classes, obtaining counseling that addresses trauma, and receiving medical and dental services. 

The basic requirements of the house state that first and foremost remaining sober and making sure other housemates are not subjected to any violence or dangerous behaviors. Everyone has daily chores and are expected to keep their personal spaces and common areas clean. 

Clients are required to get a job and work on money management. They work with the house manager to put together a feasible budget and stay within those boundaries. Clients are also held accountable for their personal actions and need to display support for one another in the house. 

There is a minimum commitment to remain in the house for three months, though many clients stay for six months or more. There are mandatory house meetings every week and counseling services are provided by the facility. 

As clients remain in the program and become more comfortable with their day to day interactions within the community they are able to have more independence. Eventually, when they are ready to move out and live on their own, the staff assists with the transitional elements. 

In Summary

This program is operated by two men who have struggled with addiction and came out the other side with a clear vision of what their mission is: to help others to overcome adversity and be able to live full and successful lives. This is a very supportive home that uses faith as a guiding factor. Clients learn how to live without drugs and alcohol in an environment that, while being very structured, is also very caring. 

Noah’s House Location

2138 Lincoln Way East
Chambersburg PA

Noah’s House Cost

Initial fee is $450, then $125/week. Reach Noah’s House by phone at 814-419-NOAH. 

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