Rehab Reviews

MVP Health Care Rehab and Sex Addiction Coverage

MVP Health Care Rehab and Sex Addiction Coverage

For most people in healthy relationships, sexual activity is a wonderful way to strengthen the intimate bond between the partners. For some people, however, the pleasure associated with this activity becomes the source of an addiction that can wreak havoc on the lives of the patients and those around them. As MVP Health Care sex addiction coverage specialists know, sex addictions come in a variety of different forms, but all can be very damaging to the life of the addict.

An addiction to love

Some patients will experience their sex addiction as an addiction to love and relationships. They may perpetually enter into new relationships, displaying an obsession with finding new romantic partners. Patients in this category may also find themselves regularly in co-dependent relationships.

An addiction to pornography

Those who compulsively turn to pornography may be showing signs of an addiction. This type of addiction can take the person away from their friends and loved ones. It may also influence how they approach real-life sexual encounters.

An addiction to anonymous sex

MVP Health Care sex addiction coverage specialists know that some patients develop an addiction to anonymous sex. They may participate in activities with anonymous groups of people or they may hire sex workers to help them live out their fantasies.

An addiction to exhibitionism or voyeurism

Exhibitionism describes patients who feel compelled to expose their more intimate body parts, including the genitals, buttocks, or breasts, in public. These addicts will expose themselves to strangers.

Voyeurism is a compulsion marked by attempts to see intimate parts of people who have no interest in displaying them. It can also include spying on people engaged in intimate activities.

Consequences of sex addictions

Sex addiction coverage specialists know that those who experience these sex addictions will face consequences in nearly every aspect of their lives. This type of addiction can place them at risk for contracting diseases, can increase the likelihood of being arrested, and can severely damage intimate relationships. These patients need to find the help they need to begin the process towards recovery.

MVP Health Care sex addiction coverage

MVP works to provide clients with a strong network of providers to ensure quality care for all patients. They offer both inpatient and outpatient care, but do require referrals for certain situations. Patients and their loved ones should verify the terms of their plan before seeking care.

Facing a sex addiction can be a challenge, but patients can get healthy again. The first step is speaking with an insurance representative to learn about the local care options so that the patient can begin planning their care.

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