Rehab Reviews

MVP Health Care Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

MVP Health Care Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Opiates and opioids are one of the oldest and most widely used types of drugs. When used in smaller amounts, these drugs can help patients manage pain, but when used in the concentrations found in street drugs, they produce a euphoric high.

As MVP Health Care opioid detox coverage specialists know, however, some patients struggle tremendously with the idea of stopping the use of opiates. The psychological drive to use them is incredibly powerful. Even though detox and withdrawal from the drugs tends to not be dangerous, it is very uncomfortable. Patients who experience this discomfort, paired with the very strong urge to use the drug again, often relapse. Due to this failure rate and the acknowledgement that some patients cannot, or will not, stop using the drug, certain medications have been produced over the past few years that can help. These medications help patients rid their systems of the opioid without having to go through the painful or uncomfortable detox.


Methadone is used as a maintenance treatment for those who are unable to stop using their drug of choice. MVP Health Care opioid detox coverage specialists know that methadone can last patients from 24 to 36 hours and the side effects are minimal. Most people who use methadone for maintenance are able to successfully hold a job and participate positively in society. The medication can be used indefinitely or patients can be slowly weaned off of it as they progress in their treatment.


Buprenorphine is typically taken three times per week in tablet form. The drug produces a mild opiate effect and can produce withdrawal effects. Since in its standard form there is a mild risk of abuse, it is often distributed in combination with naloxone, which is an opiate antagonist. When the two medications are combined, the medications can help patients maintain their sobriety without risk for abuse. This means patients can receive prescriptions of the medication to take at home.

MVP Health Care opioid detox coverage

MVP Health Care has built a strong network of providers to ensure that all patients have access to the care needed to help them recover from their substance abuse problems. They cover both inpatient and outpatient care but occasionally have restrictions. It is important for patients and their loved ones to speak with an insurance representative to learn what their treatment options are.

Insurance can be an excellent resource for patients who need to seek treatment for their opioid abuse. It is important for all patients to contact a local insurance agent to learn more about their treatment options.

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