Rehab Reviews

MultiPlan Rehab and Heroin Detox Coverage

MultiPlan Rehab and Heroin Detox Coverage

Heroin is an opioid drug that is made from morphine and is most commonly injected directly into the veins. Injection delivers a rapid euphoric rush and can quickly lead to addiction. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease that is characterized by changes to the brain’s communication pathways and reward centers. Individuals who are addicted to heroin cannot simply “quit” through sheer willpower. Heroin addiction is most successfully treated through an addiction treatment program that includes medically supervised detox to manage withdrawal symptoms. MultiPlan heroin detox coverage can help you or a loved one take the first step to sobriety by making these treatment programs more affordable.

How MultiPlan Heroin Detox Coverage Works

When heroin enters the brain, it is converted back to morphine. Morphine binds with special parts of the brain called “opioid receptors” and causes a euphoric high. After feeling this intense high, morphine users experience what is known as “going on the nod”, an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. In addition to activating opioid receptors in the brain, these receptors are also located in other parts of the body. As a result, individuals can experience intense withdrawal symptoms including vomiting and nausea, cold sweats, itching, muscular weakness, depression and anxiety. A weakened immune system, subdued breathing, partial paralysis and gum inflammation are also common. While a completely “painless detox” is not possible, medically supervised detox can help make the heroin withdrawal process safe and easier.

MultiPlan heroin detox coverage may include inpatient and outpatient treatment programs as well as medically supervised detox. Currently, MultiPlan Network provides healthcare coverage for an estimated 68 million individuals. This coverage includes regional PPO networks for Wisconsin and the southwest. PPO stands for “preferred provider organization”, which is a managed care organization of doctors, hospitals and specialist providers. One benefit of being part of a PPO network is that you are able to see a doctor or specialist without first having to see a primary care physician and receiving a referral. You may also be able to visit a hospital or medical treatment center outside the provider network and still receive some coverage, although benefits may be limited.

If you or a loved one is struggling with heroin abuse, medically supervised detox is an important first step to long-term sobriety. For more information on your MultiPlan heroin detox coverage and substance abuse, contact a benefits specialist today.

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