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Mental Health Network Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

Mental Health Network Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

Compulsive video gaming is an increasingly common psychological disorder characterized by a compulsive need to play video games and an inability to stop this behavior without treatment. Individuals who play compulsive video games need this behavior to keep going and become irritable, depressed, anxious and even violent when they are not able to play. Psychological evidence shows that video game playing triggers changes in brain chemistry, just as substances like alcohol and drugs do, which can lead to addiction. If you or a loved one are struggling with a compulsive need to play video games, then Mental Health Network video game addiction coverage may help make an inpatient treatment program more affordable.

What to Expect from Mental Health Network Video Game Addiction Coverage

When most people hear the word “addiction” they think about an addiction substances like drugs or alcohol. However, addiction to behaviors, like video gaming, is also possible. Treatment for compulsive behaviors is similar to treatment for substance abuse and addiction. The first step in treatment is for individuals to admit that they are powerless over this behavior and acknowledge that an addiction exists. Detox or going “cold turkey” while in treatment is also important. Addiction includes a powerful psychological component in which individuals derive satisfaction and happiness from engaging in a specific behavior. The lure of a fantasy world can be especially powerful with video game addiction. Just like substances like drugs or alcohol, engaging in this virtual world allows individuals to escape from problems at school, home or work. A video game addiction treatment program helps individuals learn the difference between these two worlds and take steps to address the compulsive need to play video games.

Mental Health Network addiction coverage may include an inpatient treatment program for 28 days, 60 days or 90 days. This treatment program is designed to help individuals address their compulsive need to play video games and the root emotions or feeling underlying this addictive behavior. Individuals who are addicted to video games often become anxious and depressed; playing the video game becomes a means for escaping their problems rather than addressing them. Inpatient treatment programs address these concerns. Mental Health Network video game addiction coverage can help make these important inpatient treatment programs more affordable. Depending on the specific treatment program, a co-pay, coinsurance or deductible may be necessary. Some programs may require a medical referral.

For more information on Mental Health video game addiction coverage, speak with a benefits specialist today.

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