Rehab Reviews

Managed Health Network Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Managed Health Network Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Taking an opiate medication increases the risk of developing a physical dependency or an addiction on the substance. Even if you or a dependent family member starts taking an opiate medication or drug for legitimate medical reasons, it is possible to face withdrawal symptoms and health risks when you stop using the substance. The U.S. National Library of Medicine reports that withdrawal symptoms usually develop 12 to 30 hours after you stop taking the medication and sometimes the symptoms result in severe discomfort or pain.

Coverage for Detox

Managed Health Network opioid detox coverage allows you to seek treatment for withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking an opiate drug or medication. The exact details of your policy will vary, but most policies from Managed Health Network pay for detox programs and rehabilitation when you develop a chemical dependency or an addiction to a substance.

Many policies allow you to seek in-patient treatment or out-patient treatment for an addiction; however, the policies also set limitations on your options when you seek a treatment program. Read the details about your Managed Health Network opioid detox coverage before you enter a treatment facility. Some policies will only pay for in-network treatment programs, so make sure that the treatment provider meets the standards that your policy describes.

Picking a Treatment Facility

Due to the possible discomfort associated with opiate detox programs, you want to select an appropriate program for your detox and rehab treatments. The U.S. National Library of Medicine states that opiate drugs do not usually cause life-threatening risks, but it does cause uncomfortable and potentially painful symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms associated with opiate drugs include:

By using your Managed Health Network opioid detox coverage to help with the cost of a medically supervised detox program, you limit the discomfort associated with the process and you prevent any physical dangers associated with detoxification. Policies from Managed Health Network allow you to seek treatment, but evaluate your plan for details about pre-authorization, referrals from a doctor and limitations on your treatment options.

Treating an addiction to opiate drugs allows you to improve your health and well-being. Start making changes by going through a detox program and removing the substance from your body. If an addiction developed, then consider a rehab program after completing the detoxification.

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