Rehab Reviews

Magellan Health Services Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

Magellan Health Services Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

Working on obtaining a fit and healthy body does not always result in healthy behaviors or eating habits. An eating disorder occurs when an individual starts taking extreme measures to lose weight or eats a large amount of food in an effort to heal emotional pain or the symptoms of a mental health disorder. When you or a dependent loved one develops unhealthy eating habits, Magellan Health Services eating disorder coverage offers the assistance that you need to start working toward long-term recovery goals.

Complications of an Eating Disorder

According to the Mayo Clinic, eating disorders cause complications to your health and well-being. The exact risks depend on the specific eating disorder that develops, but the long-term risks of starving your body or binge eating have similar consequences.

Possible complications of a severe eating disorder or a long-term eating disorder include:

The human body requires a nutritionally balanced diet to maintain your health. When you or a loved one focuses heavily on food items and starts to show signs of an eating disorder, seek professional treatment before it leads to severe health complications or emergency situations.

Coverage for Treatment

Magellan Health Services eating disorder coverage allows you to seek treatment from a professional program. Since eating disorders cause severe health concerns, an in-patient treatment program offers the structure that an individual needs to start focusing on long-term goals and cognitive changes.

Although the exact details of your coverage depend on your policy, the Magellan Health Services eating disorder coverage on most policies will pay for out-patient and in-patient treatment. You also have options for intensive out-patient treatments or partial hospitalization on several policies as long as the disorder requires medical attention. The coverage for in-patient treatment programs will vary and some policies require pre-authorization or a referral from your doctor before you enter the treatment facility.

Unhealthy fixations on food and taking extreme measures to alter your weight leads to unhealthy eating habits and behaviors. When an eating disorder develops, you or a dependent loved one must seek treatment in an appropriate program. Long-term eating disorders cause severe health concerns, so early treatment allows you to address the cause of the unhealthy behaviors and make positive changes.

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