Rehab Reviews

Magellan Health Services Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Magellan Health Services Prescription Drug Detox Coverage

If you or a loved one is struggling with prescription drug abuse, you are not alone. Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem affecting millions of Americans. More than 52 million Americans over the age of 12 have use prescription drugs non-medically in their lifetime and an estimated 6.1 million Americans have used prescription drugs non-medically in the past month. In 2010, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed to medicate every American adult every four hours for one month. With prescription drugs easily accessible and easily abused, addressing prescription drug abuse is not as simple as quitting cold turkey. An in-patient treatment program will provide the resources and support you or your loved one needs in order to safely detox from prescription drugs and take the first steps towards long-term sobriety.

What to Expect from Magellan Health Services Prescription Drug Detox Coverage

If you or your loved one have Magellan healthcare, your insurance policy can help make prescription drug detox coverage more affordable. Medically supervised detox is an important first step to sobriety. Quitting prescription drugs “cold turkey” is not only difficult, but can also be dangerous. Physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to manage without medical supervision. These symptoms include tremors, sweating, headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, depression and intense cravings for the drug of choice.

Prescription drug abuse may also occur in conjunction with a co-occurring disorder, such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or somatization disorders. Treatment programs designed for co-occurring disorders (also known as dual diagnosis treatment) will address both the prescription drug abuse as well as the co-occurring mental health disorder. This integrated approach to treatment can reduce the likelihood for relapse. These programs may also offer medically supervised detox.

Magellan healthcare provides comprehensive, evidence-based behavioral health care programs dedicated to whole person health. With a network of more than 77,000 behavioral health providers and facilities, Magellan Healthcare services may cover both in-patient prescription drug detox as well as prescription drug addiction programs that include dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders. Depending on your specific policy, a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance may be due in conjunction with treatment. A benefits specialist can answer your questions about the different prescription drug treatment options, which options are covered by your insurance policy, and whether you need a medical referral to begin treatment.

For more information on Magellan health services prescription drug detox coverage, contact a benefits specialist today.

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