Rehab Reviews

Magellan Health Services Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Magellan Health Services Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Opioid drugs are medications that relieve pain. These drugs work by reducing or masking the intensity of pain signals sent to the brain. Opioid drugs like morphine, OxyContin and Vicodin are frequently prescribed by doctors to manage moderate to severe pain. Regular use without effective medical supervision can lead to physical dependence and in some cases addiction. The risk for overdose when opioid drugs are abused is high. A single large dose of opioid drugs can cause severe respiratory depression and death. Opioids may also be linked to brain damage, including the deterioration of the brain’s white matter, which impacts decision-making abilities, the ability to regulate behavior, and the ability to respond to stressful situations. If you or a loved one is worried about opioid abuse, Magellan Health Services opioid detox coverage can help make treatment more affordable.

How Magellan Health Services Opioid Detox Coverage Works

Medically supervised detox is an important first step to long-term sobriety and safely discontinuing opioid drug abuse. Going “cold turkey” is neither a safe nor successful approach to treating opioid drug addiction. Abruptly discontinuing the use of opioid drugs can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, including restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, cold flashes, and vomiting. In some cases, a detox treatment center may prescribe either methadone or buprenorphine to help manage withdrawal symptoms. Both drugs have also been shown to help stabilize individuals who are addicted to opioid drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, individuals who have been stabilized on these medications are more willing to engage in counseling and commit to the behavioral interventions necessary to support recovery. Magellan Health Services opioid detox coverage may include medically supervised treatment to manage withdrawal symptoms and methadone or buprenorphine maintenance programs.

Magellan Health Services provides care for more than 33 million individuals through the health care providers extensive network of more than 77,000 behavioral health providers and facilities. This network includes opioid detox treatment centers. Depending on your health coverage, you may be required to pay a co-pay, co-insurance or deductible. A medical referral may also be necessary before entering detox treatment. A benefits specialist can help you better understand your treatment and coverage options.

Magellan Health Services opioid detox coverage can help make the treatment you or your loved one needs more affordable and accessible. Contact a benefits specialist today to learn more about your coverage options.

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