Rehab Reviews

Why I’m Co-Hosting My First Recovery Workshop

When I got sober I was lost. I had no idea where to go, what to do or who to ask for help. The only thing I associated with sobriety was AA and not having any fun. When I thought about sobriety I thought my life was over. I had no idea other people my age got sober, let alone had fun doing it. I didn’t know what recovery was or that there were multiple pathways to get there. I worked with what I had, the Internet and a few contacts who were sober.

It was through the Internet that I found websites like AfterParty Magazine, Sober Nation, and The Fix, and read people’s writing about living sober and realized these sober people led normal, exciting lives. It’s through the internet I learned about SMART recovery and recovery retreats like the ones She Recovers offer. I read books about alcoholism and addiction, and drinking memoirs. They helped me understand why I drank the way I did and that I wasn’t alone.

My love of writing and work doing blogging led me to start my own blog The Adventures of a Sober Señorita and writing became a significant part of my recovery program. Sharing my story and my life has helped others find the courage to share theirs and to become sober themselves. To this day, I am still sent messages, emails, and comments asking me for help. Over the last 3 years since my blog has been in existence, I’ve asked myself countless times how can I be more of service? What can I do to answer my followers’ questions, help them feel less alone, or encourage them to seek the help they need? What can I give them that I wish I had myself in the early days leading up to and starting my sobriety?

That’s what brought me to co-hosting my first recovery workshop this September. My co-host Tamera Anderson-Hanna, is an experienced yoga teacher who is certified in Yoga for 12 Step Recovery teacher, and has 20 years’ experience working in addiction and mental health counseling. She recently reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in co-leading a workshop that focused on mindfulness and recovery. I jumped at the chance, knowing this would be an incredible resource for people who are sober, or looking to get sober, and one I wish I had for myself years ago.

So, what do I mean by ‘recovery workshop?’ Recovery is so much more than just quitting drugs and alcohol. We recover from behaviors, shame, guilt, negative thinking, stress, chronic illness and cancer. It’s an ongoing process and it’s been proven time and time again that we need connection, tools and self-healing. Our first workshop Mindful Thinking for Recovery will cover all the bases—empowered journaling for recovery, a guided meditation, rational self-analysis, how to set constructive goals, you’ll hear my recovery story, and Tamera will lead us in a Yoga for 12 step Recovery practice.

Mindfulness is tied to recovery because it’s literally defined as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. When we recover, we wake up. Accepting our emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations can seem daunting especially without the crutch of alcohol and other drugs. That’s why we developed this workshop. We planned it for September 17, in Florida, right in the middle of National Recovery Month.

We’d love to have you join us—to celebrate recovery, to explore mindfulness, to meditate, practice yoga, and grow together. Connection is crucial to overcoming addiction and thriving in recovery. This workshop is one way to give that to you.

If you’re traveling from outside of Florida there is a hotel available. Reserve your spot before the price increase on August 20.

It’s my pleasure as a person in recovery to offer this workshop. It’s something I put my heart into because I know how much it is needed and how much I could have benefited from it myself, four years ago. I hope you’ll join us.

To sign up for Mindful Thinking for Recovery, reserve your spot here.

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