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Humana Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Humana Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that prescription medications like opioid painkillers, central nervous system depressants and stimulants are commonly abused classes of drugs. These include medications like fentanyl, hydrocodone and Adderall. If you find yourself addicted to a prescription medication, then insurance will be an important part of your recovery. What can you expect from Humana prescription drug detox?

A Little About Humana

Humana is one of the largest insurance providers in the country. They cover the insurance needs of millions of Americans, both with group and individual policies. Treatment for drug addiction is a specialized benefit and might not be covered in all their plans.

The individual programs offered by Humana include both managed care and traditional indemnity coverage. With managed care, you would be expected to seek help within the provider network. With an indemnity plan, or HumanaOne program, you can get treatment at the facility of your choice. What this means for those considering Humana prescription drug detox is you need to fully research your policy prior to selecting a facility.

Their group plans offered through an employer are more likely to cover drug treatment and behavior management, but it is still critical to discuss your needs with the representative for your company to determine what prescription drug abuse help to expect.

Most of Humana’s programs, group and individual, have a certain percentage of out-of-pocket expense. In other words, you must pay this amount before the insurance company will cover your treatment. The amount you pay will depend on your policy.

How Long is the Humana Prescription Drug Detox?

The length of coverage offered by Humana also depends on your policy. In some cases, they may only pay for a short detox period. Some of the Humana prescription drug detox programs may pay for up to 28 days or longer to allow you to get more comprehensive care.

Humana may cover outpatient therapy after the detox, but require you to meet the out-of-pocket expense first or to pay a percentage per visit.

Contacting Humana

The drug facility can help you secure approval for treatment, but you should check with the insurance company first to see what Humana prescription drug addiction treatment is offered. Humana has an online support system where you can find service providers, get customer support or evaluate your plan. You can also speak with an agent directly via email or the phone.

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