Rehab Reviews

High Point Treatment Center: Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP)

High Point Treatment Center: Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP) Review

Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP) Women’s Residence is a component of the High Point Treatment Center in New Bedford, Massachusetts. HPTC was established in 1996 and includes outpatient and residential treatment centers for adults and adolescents. Reflections CAP is a diversion program for substance abusing women facing incarceration. It is a one-year program comprised of three months of residential treatment followed by nine months in an affiliated halfway house.

Accommodations and Food

Up to 16 women reside in the Victorian residence, which houses two to three per bedroom. Clients have chore assignments, and a kitchen staff prepares standard American fare meals. The house features exercise equipment and a TV room for recreation and games.

Treatment and Staff

Most clients come to Reflections through referrals from county agencies or the judicial system. They must not have any open cases and must have one year of probation.

For the first three months of treatment, clients must remain focused on recovery and not pursue outside work or education. They attend group therapy and psychoeducation classes for six to eight hours a day and individual therapy at least once a week. They also have consultations with a psychiatrist monthly to discuss mental health concerns and adjust any medication.

Groups are led by MFTs and CADCs who use CBT and Motivational Interviewing (MI) to explore recovery issues. Additionally, clients are introduced to Seeking Safety, the concept “Life on Life’s Terms” and classes on developing life skills—such as budgeting and effective parenting. Clients can receive transportation to nearby AA/NA meetings as well as medical and mental health treatment appointments.

Residents are incentivized to actively participate in treatment and cooperate in the home through a level system: as they progress through levels of treatment, they establish more autonomy and may be eligible for special recreational trips such as beach or movie outings and weekly trips to the local YMCA.

As women approach the completion of the first three months, they begin applying for admittance into halfway houses in the High Point Treatment Center network. Residents are required to gain admission into at least three facilities, so that they’re assured a bed at the time of their release from the Reflections residence. Each halfway house has different requirements and treatment goals; some may be a good fit for women focused on employment, while others may be better able to accommodate women still needing to focus on therapy and life skills.

After their first 30 days at Reflections, women can receive visitors every other week.

In Summary

High Point Treatment Center’s Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP) helps women struggling with substance abuse avoid incarceration. Through intensive therapy, including treatment for co-occurring disorders, clients learn how to regulate the behavior that led to their criminal activity. Reflections CAP provides long-term support that gives clients an opportunity to learn cooperative living as well as how to set and achieve their recovery goals.

High Point Treatment Center: Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP) Location

Reflections CAP
Women’s Residence
105 South State St
New Bedford, MA 02740

High Point Treatment Center: Reflections Court Alternative Program (CAP) Cost

Free; clients are usually referred by district attorneys and probation officers. Reach Reflections CAP by phone at (508) 994-3678. Find High Point Treatment Center on Facebook

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