Rehab Reviews

GEHA Health Plans Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

GEHA Health Plans Opioid Detox Coverage

Opioid drugs include heroin as well as prescription painkillers such as Morphine, Percocet and OxyContin. These drugs are some of the most commonly abused in the United States; prescription drug abuse affects millions of Americans from every walk of life. If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, the decision to seek treatment for opiate abuse is not easy. Selecting the right treatment plan for your health needs can also be challenging. If you or a loved one has health insurance through a GEHA health care plan, this coverage may help make opiate rehab and detox coverage more affordable. Your costs with GEHA health plans opioid detox coverage will vary depending on whether you have coinsurance, co-payments or a deductible.

What to Expect with GEHA Health Plans Opioid Detox Coverage

Opioid addiction is not easy to treat. Opioids reduce the intensity of pain signals from the body to the brain, creating feelings of euphoria. These euphoric feelings are intense and, as a result, can be highly addictive. Opioid drugs also affect the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling emotion and processing pain signals. Addressing opioid addiction requires professionally trained substance abuse counselors who understand these challenges and the best way to help you or your loved one. Discontinuing opioid abuse can also result in challenging physical withdrawal side effects. These side effects include muscle aches and pains, nausea, stomach cramping, vomiting, hot and cold sweats, and diarrhea. Without a constant supply of their “feel good” drug, individuals going through opioid drug detox can suffer from intense cravings for their drug of choice. They may feel irritable and experience clouded mental function. Detox treatment helps make these symptoms more manageable.

GEHA Health Plans opioid detox coverage can help you or your loved one afford treatment opioid treatment programs. When selecting a treatment program, it is important to consider whether medically supervised opioid detox will be included in the program to make withdrawal symptom management easier. Finally, you will want to consider whether an inpatient program of 28 days or a longer 60 or 90 day program is right for you. It is natural to have questions about the cost of these programs and your insurance benefits. A trained advisor can help answer these questions so you can feel confident when selecting a treatment program.

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