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ComPsych Depression Treatment

ComPsych Depression Treatment

ComPsych is not your typical insurance provider. This company identifies as an employee assistance program. The goal is to deal with conditions that often affect productivity and lead to employee absenteeism. Mood disorders like depression top the list of mental problems that keep employees for doing their best on the job. ComPsych depression treatment centers help people get past the sadness and improve their lives.

A Little About Depression

Everyone has an off day here and there, but clinical depression is potentially disabling if left untreated. The Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorder, Fifth Edition, DSM-5, states if you have any five symptoms of the condition at the same time, you are clinically depressed.

Not everyone experiences depression the same way, but any combination of these symptoms may indicate you need to seek help at one of ComPsych depression treatment centers.

ComPsych strives for wellness through preventive treatment. They work with employers to inspire behavioral changes that create a healthier lifestyle. Managing chronic or episodic depression disorder and anxiety-related illnesses are part of that service.

Does ComPsych Cover Treatment for Depression?

This company offers an integrated behavioral health and wellness program, so chances are they will cover your care at a depression treatment center. They offer businesses a diverse portfolio of service plans to choose from, so it does depend on the coverage your employer opts for when signing up with ComPsych.

Part of what they do for employers is to manage absenteeism. Depression costs workplaces 23 billion dollars a year just in absenteeism, according to Gallup. Offering ComPsych depression treatment centers are one way to deal with this common problem.

Will ComPsych Cover Inpatient Care for Depression

If it is deemed medically necessary by one of their network providers, they might. It would have to be pre-approved and they may have a staff counselor assess the need. Most often, depression is managed on an outpatient basis, however.  ComPsych has an online portal for employees or talk to a Human Resource representative at your workplace for more information.

ComPsych depression treatment centers focus on behavioral changes to improve your life and that include helping you out of the pit of depression.

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