Community Health Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment
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Community Health Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Community Health Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

The 2013 Monitoring the Future Study states that prescription drugs rank at number two amongst the most abused and misused drugs in the United States; with number one being marijuana.

Results obtained from The 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicate that in the year leading up to the survey more than 15 million people (aged 12 and above) used prescription medication for reasons other than what the medication was prescribed for; with nearly 7 million of these individuals misusing a prescription drug within a month of participating in the survey.

Prescription Drug Abuse May Lead to Illicit Drug Use

Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health have also indicated that nearly 13 percent of the individuals who recently began using illegal drugs were initially addicted to prescription pain relievers. This is just one of the reasons that seeking treatment when an individual has an addiction to prescription drugs is essential. Community Health Prescription Drug Detox treatment plans are tailored to meet the needs of each patient, individually.

Community Health’s Diagnostic Department Designs Treatment Plans

At the Community Health Drug Rehab Treatment Facility, the center’s diagnostic department carefully evaluates each new patient. This evaluation is crucial because it is used to create the patient’s treatment plan. Some patients may be referred to the center’s Community Health Prescription Drug Detox program.

Adult Counseling

A patient in this Community Health Prescription Drug Detox program generally participates in individual counseling sessions. He/She may also be referred to a variety of specialty and chemical dependency groups. Each of these groups is designed to provide the patient with peer support. These groups also offer patients information designed to help him/her through the recovery process.

The Insights Program

The Insights Program is designed for individuals who do not necessarily need to enter into one of the drug detox or substance abuse treatment programs. This program is also ideal for those who are unsure as to whether they are ready to fully commit to a more structured Community Health Prescription Drug Detox treatment program.

The Insights Program offers patients’ group sessions focusing on:

  • The risk factors associated with drug abuse
  • Refusal techniques
  • The consequences of drug use
  • Ways to make healthier lifestyle choices
  • Substance awareness
  • The stages of change

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

This program promotes an individual’s recovery process through three levels of therapeutic, multi-disciplinary strategies.

These strategies include:

  • Counseling sessions where patients will participate in both individual and group sessions
  • Job development activities
  • Support groups
  • Tips to help patients integrate recovery processes into their daily life
  • Case management services

It usually takes a patient about five months to complete all three levels of an Intensive Outpatient Program at one of the Community Health Centers.

The Role of Case Managers

Case managers assist patients in navigating the services available to them through the Community Health Center community.

Case managers help patients with:

  • Issues related to transportation
  • Obtaining government assistance, including food stamps
  • Seeking gainful employment

Once a patient is accepted into one of the housing programs, a case manager will perform the face-to-face follow-up visits.

Community Health has spent 40 years helping patients overcome their drug and/or alcohol addictions. Community Health offers patients’ individualized treatment plans with a multifaceted approach. Patients in the Community Health Prescription Drug Detox program gain strength by attending support groups. The medically assisted programs and housing options make the transition to a drug-free life easier.