Rehab Reviews

Community Health Drug Choice Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Community Health Drug Choice Opiates Rehab and Opioid Detox Coverage

Opiate drug abuse does not always mean that an individual uses a substance for illicit reasons. Since many prescription pain relievers contain opiates, some individuals develop an addiction accidentally after a legitimate medical emergency or injury. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that almost 2.5 million Americans abuse prescription opiates and heroin each year. Since the withdrawal symptoms start roughly 12 to 30 hours since the last dose of an opiate, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, going through a medically supervised detox program helps reduce the risk of health concerns.

Coverage for Detox

Community Health Drug Choice opioid detox coverage depends on the specific policy that you purchased and the details of your plan. In general, the policies offer some coverage for detox and rehab programs, but the exact details depend on the situation and the nature of your health concerns.

The coverage usually falls under mental health services and addiction treatments in your policy. Community Health Drug Choice opioid detox coverage usually pays for a portion of the in-patient treatment if you need a medically supervised treatment program. Only a doctor determines the specific concerns that might arise and makes recommendations based on the situation and your goals.

Rehab and Limitations

When you complete a detox program, entering a rehab treatment helps prevent further complications and teaches relapse prevention strategies. The Community Health Drug Choice opioid detox coverage offers details into the treatment options that help you reach your goals.

In general, you have coverage for in-network treatment programs. Some policies from Community Health Drug Choice do not offer treatment in an out-of-network program, so make sure that your treatment program is within the insurance company’s network before starting treatment. Some policies also require pre-authorization before you start a treatment program. A medical doctor might provide a recommendation for treatment as part of the pre-authorization process. Provide any requested paperwork so that your coverage applies to the rehab program. You might need to pay the stated deductible before the benefits on your policy apply to the situation.

Treating an addiction to opiate drugs can help prevent long-term health concerns and provide relapse prevention tools and options. Depending on the policy you purchased from Community Health, the exact details of your coverage will vary. Read your policy carefully before you start treatment in an out-of-network program or if you are considering treatment in a residential program. Since some programs require pre-authorization, you must follow the stated requirements in your policy. You coverage might not apply to some treatment programs, so discuss your options with a representative before starting treatment.

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