Rehab Reviews

COBRA Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

COBRA Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

Dealing with an eating disorder is a lifelong battle that, if left untreated, can end with an early death. If you or your loved one is dealing with an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, then consider COBRA Eating Disorder Coverage. This healthcare coverage offers you financial benefits that will help you complete treatment and move toward recovery from an eating disorder in a safe and professional rehab center.

Understanding Anorexia Nervosa

One of the most common, and most dangerous, eating disorders is anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder involves an individual being unable to eat due to preoccupation with their body image, which they see in an unrealistic manner. An anorexic person will often participate in other activities, such as excessive sleeping or exercising, in order to reduce the amount of time spent eating or to reduce weight gain. According to National Institute of Mental Health an anorexic person will show the following symptoms:

A person struggling with anorexia will also show physical changes that indicate they are struggling with this disorder. These include having yellow or dry hair, or lanugo, which involves growing hair all over the body for warmth due to a constantly low body temperature. Under COBRA Eating Disorder Coverage you can receive treatment that will reduce the likelihood that anorexia will continue to threaten your health. COBRA Eating Disorder Coverage will work to your benefit by providing you with a network of professionals in rehab centers. These eating disorder specialists are trained to deal with the mental, emotional and physical conditions of individuals with anorexia, as well as bulimia and binge eating. Getting help is the first step to recovery, and COBRA Eating Disorder Coverage is here to help.

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