Rehab Reviews

Cigna Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

Cigna Rehab and Eating Disorder Coverage

Eating disorders can be an immense challenge for both patients and their loved ones. Eating disorders can impact both genders and can affect people from all backgrounds. Cigna eating disorder coverage works to provide patients with the care they need to overcome their disorder and regain their health.

Understanding the different types of eating disorders

Eating disorder coverage specialists understand that patients with eating disorders might all look differently from one another. One of the most commonly referenced illnesses, anorexia, describes patients who restrict their calorie intake excessively. This restriction must be to the point that the patient is critically underweight. Bulimia occurs when patients binge eat, but then force themselves to throw up. Even though they have consumed the food, they rid their body of the food before they can derive any nutrients. Binge eating disorder, although the guidelines for diagnosing it are still being debated, is also considered a disorder. Cigna eating disorder coverage specialists know that patients struggle to control their eating to the point of eating excessive amounts of food on a regular basis.

Cigna eating disorder coverage

Cigna eating disorder coverage specialists understand that patients often need intensive mental health treatment to overcome eating disorders. They offer a variety of seminars and educational opportunities for patients and those around them to learn about eating disorders and how to live a healthy life. As people become educated and empowered, it will be easier for them to combat their mental illness.

For those working to overcome an eating disorder, Eating disorder coverage includes mental health treatment. They have established a system of treatment that helps patients get the assistance they need efficiently. Patients are able to get back on their feet as quickly as possible while receiving the help and support they need to remain healthy. The professionals working with the insurance company understand that to successfully treat a patient with an eating disorder, they must understand the root cause of the disorder and be able to treat any coexisting mental illnesses. Cigna has worked to build a trusted network of physicians and professionals who provide qualified care to all patients.

Patients who are facing eating disorders often find themselves in need of serious treatment to regain their health and start on the path towards recovery. Cigna eating disorder coverage provides patients with highly trained and trusted professionals who can help ensure that patients receive the care they need. Those in need of this type of treatment should speak with their local insurance agent to learn more about the different treatment options available in their area.

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