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Cigna Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Cigna Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Prescription drug addiction can be an enormous struggle for people from all backgrounds. Patients should understand Cigna prescription drug detox and addiction treatment so that they can make decisions about the best way to begin the path to recovery.

There are a number of different types of drugs that can cause addictions. The three main classifications are stimulants, opiates, and sedatives. Stimulants would include drugs like Adderall, which is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Opiates are typically seen as medications given for pain. Sedatives are often used to treat a variety of disorders, such as anxiety and sleep disorders.

Types of treatment

Cigna prescription drug detox and addiction treatment professionals understand that patients generally need different types of prescription drug treatment depending upon the severity of their addiction. Generally, patients are advised to attend either inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment.

Outpatient treatment

Outpatient treatment is often attended by those who are going through Cigna prescription drug detox and rehab for the first time. This treatment works best for those who have a strong support system at home to aid with recovery. Patients are able to attend group and individual therapy sessions without having to take too much time off work or having to find alternate arrangements for other responsibilities such as childcare.

Inpatient treatment

Inpatient treatment is for those who may have tried outpatient therapy before but did not succeed in remaining sober. It can also be a good option for those who might not have a good support system at home or those who also need treatment for coexisting mental illnesses or other ailments. It can provide a more intensive experience for those who need a little bit more support throughout the beginning of their recovery.

Cigna prescription drug detox and addiction treatment professionals understand that the best type of treatment for a patient will depend upon many factors, including the intensity of the treatment required. They also understand that for patients struggling to overcome their prescription drug addiction, the first step will be detox. As detox from prescription drug abuse can cause potentially life threatening conditions, and is best to undergo under the care of professionals.

Patients who find themselves struggling to overcome their use of prescription drugs should carefully investigate what their insurance offers to aid with the recovery. Cigna prescription drug detox and addiction treatment can help patients find the help they need to begin progressing on the path to recovery and health. Patients should speak with a local insurance agent to learn more about what treatment options are available in their area.

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