Rehab Reviews

We Celebrated National Recovery Month with 30 Days of Gratitude

In honor of National Recovery Month, AfterParty created the 30 Days of Gratitude project, where we asked readers to tweet and Instagram what they were grateful for all month long and we are floored by the response it got. Frankly, many of you put us to shame in terms of your commitment, creativity and, yes, gratitude.

So what were the results? Well, hashtag tracking tools only let you have the data for the previous two weeks so take what we say here and double it, k?

#APM30Days generated 646,694 impressions in one week alone; multiply that by four and you’ve got 2,586,776 impressions. What in God’s name does that mean? Well, it’s the number of times #APM30Days appeared on timelines. Some individual Instagram and Twitter posts garnered as many as 100 RTs and Likes! More facts for you: while the majority of our participants (98%) reside in the old US of A, there were people in the UK playing along. Ladies outnumbered the men with an 84 to 16 % ratio (with, it’s safe to say, @klenandsobr and @djfmdotcom nearly making up for that with their passion and consistency).

This thank you would never be complete without serious shout outs to the other crucial players here (see list of our most regular participants below). We truly cannot thank you enough for what you did here. If you participated and have not heard about receiving an AfterParty t-shirt or disc drive, email us at and we’ll remedy that ASAP.

Miss #APM30Days already? Watch our video featuring AP mascot Benson (as well as Anna and Danielle).

Big ups for gratitude:

@MoMoHouston and @thewastedpoet

Photos of Danielle and Anna by Andy Marx (follow him on Instagram!)

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