Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment
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Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Prescription drug abuse is a growing health concern that is covered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Prescription Drug Detox. If you are dealing with prescription drug addiction and want to seek treatment, BCBS offers program coverage to meet your needs. You will find coverage ranging from detoxification from prescription drugs to prescription drug rehab. The goal is to get you healthy and living up to your fullest potential. Let your Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage help you achieve that goal.

Prescription Drug Abuse in the US

The US is experiencing a surge in the number of individuals dealing with prescription drug abuse and overdose. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) deaths due to prescription opioids alone have quadrupled from 1999. In fact, in 2010 over 16,600 people died due to prescription opioid overdoses. To put this in closer perspective, 44 people die each day in the US due to prescription drug overdoses.

Every segment of our society is at risk for prescription drug addiction. The issue with prescription drug abuse is more alarming, given that prescribed drugs are doled out by doctors and pharmacists in seemingly safe aspects. OxyContin, Demerol and Vicodin are some of the most common prescription drugs being abused today. Yet each of these drugs are prescribed to patients in order to manage pain due to surgery, cancer and chronic illnesses.

Benefits of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Coverage

Finding a way to handle this escalating social crisis is part of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Prescription Drug Detox plan. By providing benefits to covered individuals, Blue Cross and Blue Shield hopes to bring relief to this growing problem. Note that the precise benefits offered to you will vary depending on the level of your healthcare coverage, as well as for the state in which you are covered.

In general healthcare benefits provided for prescription abuse are encompassed in substance abuse and mental health disorders coverage. This means that your prescription drug treatment will be covered according to impatient or outpatient hospital benefits, medication and psychological treatment. For intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization for prescription drug addiction treatment you can be covered to up to 100 percent of the cost using in-network providers. You will need to verify that your provider is in-network, as out-of-network care is not covered by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Prescription Drug Detox plan.