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Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Depression Treatment

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Depression Treatment

If you are dealing with depression consider getting help with the benefit of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Depression Treatment Centers coverage. Unfortunately the financial burden of receiving treatment for depression is a deterrent for some. Thanks to Blue Cross and Blue Shield healthcare coverage you can get quality care for a depression disorder including anxiety without spending a fortune.

Depression Disorder

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) depression is much more than just having a bad day. If you think you are depressed, and you have a combination of these warning signs, this could indicate you should seek medical assistance for depression:

According to the American Psychiatric Association, if you have at least 5 of these symptoms for a continuous 2 week period you are most likely dealing with depression. Dealing with depression affects more than just the depressed individuals. You are likely to suffer in your interpersonal relationships with family, friends and coworkers, which is the reason depression is a public health concern.

Getting Help at Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Depression Treatment Centers

In order to remedy depression, so to repair relationships and prevent tragic consequences including suicide, several treatments are available. If you are interested in medications or psychotherapeutic treatments, Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers coverage for these services. Notice, however, that the specific coverage offerings vary according to your location and level of healthcare coverage.

Your benefits for depression disorder coverage falls under the guise of mental health disorders. As a result you will want to check out the coverage options associated to treatments ranging from inpatient hospital benefits, prescription medication coverage, and outpatient hospital benefits. For the average level of BCBS healthcare coverage you will have outpatient physician services covered under co-pay. Pre-certification is necessary for you to receive partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient services.

If you are seeking inpatient hospitalization for depression disorder or anxiety under the mid-range coverage plan, expect to receive benefits to cover 100 percent of the first 365 days in care at a psychiatric specialty or general hospital. As for intensive outpatient treatment, in general, you will be able to receive benefits for receiving at least 3 hours of treatment per day for a minimum of 3 days a week at a licensed facility. Medication management and active psychosocial treatment are covered, as well, as needed.

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