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AfterParty Answers: Does Binge Watching TV Have a Negative Impact on Sobriety?

Over here at AfterParty, we receive an onslaught of questions from people about addiction and recovery. And well, our video series AfterParty Answers gives us an opportunity to address them. In this episode, Anna David and Danielle Stewart examine past AfterParty stories to answer a reader’s question about whether or not binge watching TV is going to have a detrimental impact on sobriety.

This is an interesting debate for the gals, as one of them is a self-admitted enthusiastic binge-TV-er. They talk about previous stories, including one by the self-confessed binger herself; in it, Stewart mentions a University of California, San Francisco study that was published in JAMA Psychiatry which followed 3,247 people over a 25-year period and determined that the brains of the bingers, and not just their bods, suffered. The long and the short of it is that memory, focus and cognitive sharpness were tested and the people who watched three hours of TV or more a day did worse than those who has watched less TV and exercised more.

There are, of course, many nuances to this query. So if you want our complete answer, check out this vid. While the girls aren’t in any way medical professions (emphasis on “aren’t in any way medical professionals”), they are sober folks who have not only grappled with some of the issues being asked about but have also written scads of articles for this very site on them. Tune in every Wednesday to see what you, our faithful readers, want to know.

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