Rehab Reviews

Assurant Health Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

Assurant Health Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

Playing a video game does not seem dangerous, but an addiction to gaming increases the risk for certain health concerns. Science Daily reports that roughly 1 out of 10 youths and young adults who play video games on a regular basis develop an addiction to gaming and show pathological patterns when they play the games. The irregular gaming behaviors causes poor grades in school, relationship problems within a family and psychological problems associated with gaming. Although the behavior causes concerns about an individual’s health, families can seek treatment for addiction recovery.

Basic Coverage

Assurant Health video game addiction coverage provides opportunities to seek treatment for behavioral health concerns. Video game addiction falls under a behavioral health concerns, which has the same coverage as mental health disorders.

The coverage for behavioral health concerns includes:

Since video game addiction is a behavioral health concern, individuals may need pre-certification before starting a treatment program for some policies. Since policies differ, the exact requirements for Assurant Health video game addiction coverage will vary slightly. Evaluate a specific policy to determine any pre-certification requirements that might apply to the policy.

Costs of Treatment

The cost of treatment will depend on the specific facility and program. Generally, an in-network treatment program will cost less than an out-of-network program. Expect a higher cost for residential treatment when compared to an out-patient treatment program.

Generally, Assurant Health video game addiction coverage will pay for the cost of out-patient treatment for a set number of visits. The insurance policy will usually have a set co-pay for out-patient treatment from an in-network provider. The coverage will also pay for residential treatment, but the individual must pay the stated deductible and a percentage of the treatment. The exact cost of treatment in a residential program depends on several factors, such as the duration of treatment and the specific facility. Assurant Health covers a stated percentage of the costs.

Treating behavioral health concerns, like video game addiction, offers a chance to start fresh and regain personal health and well-being. Since gaming causes problems in personal relationships and mental health, seeking treatment early offers an opportunity to improve the changes of recovery. Since Assurant Health covers behavioral health concerns, individuals and families have the chance to start working on recovery goals.

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