Rehab Reviews

Assisted Recovery Centers of America

Assisted Recovery Centers of America Review

Assisted Recovery Centers of America offers a transitional housing program for men in St. Louis, Missouri. Using the value system developed by the Sons of Temperance—a sober brotherhood dating back to the 1800s—the various sober homes associated with ARCA are for men willing to commit to a strict program of recovery and learn the skills for maintaining sobriety as independent and healthy individuals.

Accommodations and Amenities

Both St. Louis ARCA transitional homes are fully furnished, have a live-in house manager and dual-occupancy bedrooms. The houses provide clients with a fully equipped kitchen including modern appliances and dishware, an on-site washer and dryer, a computer room with house-wide wireless Internet, a library and a cable TV. There is also a pool table, a weight room, a backyard grill and fire pit, a work garage and a full alarm system for security.

Rules and Regulations

ARCA clients who are addicted to alcohol and/or opioids are treated with the anti-relapse medication Vivitrol. The transitional housing is ideal for these clients, as they must continue to receive monthly injections while they build new sober lives and become working members of society. ARCA transitional housing residents must have at least six months of sobriety with Vivitrol, have jobs and are regularly tested for drug use.

Prior to becoming a resident, potential clients are interviewed to determine if they are a good fit for ARCA. Clients must be male, 18 or older and show what work they have done in recovery—such as group therapy, individual therapy, and involvement in a 12-step or outpatient program.

Once accepted into the program, each resident has an elected house position and must attend the weekly mandatory house meeting.


In addition to the amenities and structure ARCA provides, the staff aids residents in finding employment, seeking out further education and learning independent living skills.

In Summary

ARCA is a transitional home for men requiring a strict personal plan of continued recovery. Though ARCA does not require involvement with 12-step fellowships, a strong commitment to sobriety is paramount. The bonus features like a pool table and on-site weight room make ARCA a well-balanced choice for men seeking a structured transitional living home in St. Louis that fosters fellowship and independence.

Assisted Recovery Centers of America Location

Assisted Recovery Centers of America
6651 Chippewa St #224
St Louis, MO 63109

Assisted Recovery Centers of America Cost

Sliding scale. Reach Assisted Recovery Centers of America by phone at (314) 645-6840. Find Assisted Recovery Centers of America on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+

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Photo courtesy of OdysseyTransportation

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