Rehab Reviews

Arkansas Treatment Programs

Get Help for Substance Abuse at Arkansas Rehabs

Arkansas inpatient rehab centers for substance abuse focus initially on stabilizing a patient’s physical health through a medically supervised detoxification process. Therapeutic techniques used to treat a patient’s psychological issues associated with substance addiction include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoeducation, rational-emotive therapy, motivational interviewing, anger management classes and mental health counseling.

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When Interventions are Needed

Interventions are often necessary when a potential patient has hit “rock bottom” and is on the verge of destroying themselves with drugs or alcohol. Requesting an intervention from an Arkansas drug rehab involves family members meeting with an intervention specialist who provides counseling and instructions regarding the progression of an intervention, what to expect from the person being confronted and what is expected from family members to make the intervention successful.

Arkansas Alcohol Rehab Centers Provide Treatment for Alcoholism

When a patient enters an alcohol rehab facility to begin their recovery program, a staff member will contact the patient’s family and encourage everyone to participate in family counseling. Since patients admitted to inpatient treatment centers are making a tremendous effort on their part to attain sobriety, the realization that they have not been forgotten by the people who mean the most to them nourishes their impaired sense of self-worth and gives them strength to complete the program.

Inpatient rehab facilities provide comfortably furnished supportive housing for recovering alcoholics who require a continually structured setting in order to overcome their addiction. Experiencing a sober, safe convalescence in a residential treatment facility allows patients to concentrate wholly on their recovery instead of being stressed by conflicts at home.

Therapeutic Techniques Used At An Arkansas Drug Rehab

Using aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing, addiction psychotherapists will challenge a patient’s unrealistic expectations and irrational beliefs that tend to exacerbate their addiction and worsen psychological stress. In fact, many situations that make a patient feel depressed or aggressive arise directly from the cycle of substance abuse and addictive behavior. Consequently, recovering patients who no longer have drugs distorting their thought processes discover they have always had the ability to cope with stressful situations that previously forced them to turn to drugs for escape.

About Treatment Programs in Arkansas

Professional and experienced staff members monitor inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab centers 24 hours a day, seven day a week, offering medical services, crisis counseling and traditional counseling sessions as needed. Supportive housing facilities also have amenities conducive to a patient’s recovery program such as swimming and recreational activities, Internet access, cable television and private rooms. In addition, some outpatient rehab treatment centers provide free transportation for patients who have appointments with their physician or are attending group therapy meetings at an alternate location.

Traditional and Holistic Treatment Programs

Arkansas rehabs encourage patients to pursue healthy and active lifestyles to minimize the need for medication and strengthen the ability of recovering patients to cope with daily problems without depending on addictive substances. Many treatment programs in Arkansas also offer nutritional guidance, therapeutic massage, meditation instruction and instruction on how to use visualization techniques to manage stress and reduce the risk of relapse. Patients who desire to explore their spirituality or beliefs concerning a certain religion or a non-traditional practice such as Buddhism may do so as part of their individualized recovery program.

Getting Help is Only a Phone Call Away

Only one website provides access to the best addiction treatment centers in Arkansas–Rehab Reviews. The most trusted site on the Internet that offers a detailed compilation of outpatient rehab and inpatient rehab facility reviews, Rehab Reviews may also help you find insurance for rehab programs that may pay for some, if not all, of the costs of completing a recovery program.

Find a rehab in Arkansas right now.

[Source: – Treatment]

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