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APS Healthcare Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

APS Healthcare Rehab and Video Game Addiction Coverage

Like other behavioral impulse control disorders, video game addiction can be a serious problem that adversely affects quality of life in ways that are similar to substance abuse. Individuals who are addicted to video games experience the repeated over stimulation of the brain’s reward center. Playing video games increases dopamine levels, which can impact an individual’s ability to naturally regulate their own behavior. As a result, the desire to play video games overwhelms everything else, including work, school, friends and family. Individuals who are addicted to playing video games cannot simply “stop” at any time. Just like substance abuse and other addictive behaviors, like compulsive gambling, video game addiction requires counseling and treatment. If you or a loved one are unable to stop playing video games, then APS Healthcare video game addiction coverage may pay for part or all of the necessary treatment.

What to Expect From APS Healthcare Video Game Addiction Treatment

Treatment options for video game addiction are similar to the options available for other compulsive behaviors. These treatment options generally fall into one of three categories: behavioral therapy; medication; and self-help groups. While attending regular meetings at a self-help group can be very beneficial, additional care may be necessary. For example, if an individual with video game addiction also is struggling with an undiagnosed mental health condition, then this individual is said to have a “co-occurring condition” and would benefit from dual diagnosis care. Dual diagnosis care combines treatment for the mental health condition (for example, depression) along with treatment for the compulsive behavior. Depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD and other mental health conditions can be closely intertwined with video game addiction. Staying inside for extended periods playing video games, for example, may only further one’s depression. Consequently, a combination of care will deliver better treatment outcomes than only treating video game addiction on its own.

APS Healthcare is a provider of specialty healthcare services that are designed to reduce the barriers of access to care, especially for individuals who receive Medicare and Medicaid benefits. APS Healthcare video game addiction coverage may include a combination of treatment programs, such as behavioral counseling and prescription drug coverage, should a mental health condition also be present. APS Healthcare also provides assisting coordinating care with different providers.

To learn more about the benefits available under APS Healthcare video game addiction coverage, contact a trained benefits advisor.

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