Rehab Reviews

APS Healthcare Rehab and Compulsive Gambling Treatment

APS Healthcare Rehab and Compulsive Gambling Treatment

Compulsive gambling is a serious disorder in which individuals cannot stop gambling despite the toll that this behavior takes on their lives. The thrill of gambling – risking something valuable in hopes of winning something of even greater value – stimulates the brain’s reward system in much the same way that other drugs do. Individuals who are addicted to gambling will compulsively chase bets, hide their debts from loved ones, and borrow or even steal money in order to continue funding their habit – even as their debts pile up. If you or a loved one cannot stop gambling, APS Healthcare compulsive gambling treatment can help. With the right professional treatment program, it is possible to get back in control and end this destructive behavior.

What Does APS Healthcare Compulsive Gambling Treatment Cover?

Compulsive gambling treatment includes the following three approaches: psychological treatments including behavioral modification therapy, medication such as antidepressants and mood stabilizers, and self-help groups. APS Healthcare compulsive gambling treatment may cover psychological treatments like behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as prescribed medication. These treatments teach coping skills that reduce the urge to gamble as well as helping individuals identify unhealthy or irrational beliefs that are driving their compulsive behavior. In some cases, gambling addiction may co-occur with a mental health condition such as depression. These individuals may benefit from dual diagnosis care in which gambling addiction and depression are treated simultaneously.

APS Healthcare focuses on reducing the barriers of access to care, including behavioral care, while also serving as a third-party administrator for Medicare and Medicaid programs. APS Healthcare compulsive gambling treatment can help you or a loved one take the first steps to addressing this addictive behavior. Since specific programs can vary based on the provider, researching program details in advance will help ensure the right treatment fit. This is especially important if you or a loved one would benefit from dual diagnosis care that addresses both compulsive gambling and a co-occurring disorder. A trained benefits advisor can help you understand the different treatment options currently covered by APS Healthcare and answer any questions that you may have about these options.

Gambling is just as serious and addictive as drug and alcohol abuse. Like any addiction, individuals who are addicted to gambling cannot simply ‘quit’ through willpower; professional treatment is essential. To learn more about insurance coverage benefits for compulsive gambling treatment, call [number]today.

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