Rehab Reviews

Andante Center

Andante Center Review

Andante Center provides Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and counseling for opioid addicts in northeast Philadelphia. The clinic is located between the Oxford Circle and Mayfair neighborhoods and has been in operation for over seven years. It primarily treats clients with Suboxone. MAT is also available with Zubsolv, a sublingual tablet of buprenorphine and naloxone.

Treatment and Staff

After clients are assessed, they receive a treatment plan that includes their initial medication dose and a counseling schedule. Clients are required to meet with Andante’s psychiatrists at least twice each month for medication consulting and therapy. Therapy uses CBT and Motivational Interviewing (MI) to help clients handle triggers and learn effective relapse prevention. Andante’s clinical staff is able to provide dual diagnosis support for clients with mental health diagnoses. It also helps clients identify homeopathic treatments and lifestyle changes that can ease their withdrawal and promote recovery.

As clients progress, their medication dose is reduced. Andante hopes that all of its clients will eventually not need MAT, and it works with them to create a treatment plan that culminates in tapering. However, clients are not pressured to taper on any set time-line.

For clients who’d benefit from group therapy and peer support meetings, Andante can recommend nearby structured outpatient programs, SMART Recovery and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.


Andante is accustomed to working with clients in the criminal justice system and provides documentation for court-ordered treatment.

In Summary

Andante Center provides targeted MAT for opioid addicts in northeast Philadelphia. In addition to customized dosing plans, its clinical staff provides therapy and guidance for accessing additional community services for success in recovery.

Andante Center Location

Andante Center
6404 Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 1C
Philadelphia, PA 19149

Andante Center Cost

Accepts insurance; $200 (self-pay, first month); $180 (each month thereafter). Reach Andante Center by phone at (215) 613-7813.

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