Rehab Reviews

AmeriHealth Rehab and Heroin Detox Coverage

AmeriHealth Rehab and Heroin Detox Coverage

Heroin continues to adversely affect lives of all backgrounds, which has created the need for AmeriHealth Heroin Detox Coverage. This insurance benefit provides insured individuals with medically supervised, painless detox from heroin. Under AmeriHealth Heroin Detox Coverage you can rest assured that your chance of recovery from detox will be greatly improved.

Dealing with Detox from Heroin

Heroin is a drug derived from the opium of poppy plants. It is akin to morphine, although heroin 2 to 3 times stronger. Highly addictive, individuals get a combination of euphoria along with a numbing of the central nervous system. While morphine, opiates and opioids are regularly used for prescription medications, such as with painkillers including OxyContin and codeine for cough syrups, heroin has no medical use. Health hazards of using heroin include:

If a person attempts to go through a detox from heroin on their own, they are going to experience serious pain, which often leads them back to using heroin. Additionally, the physical state of a heroin addict is typically deteriorated, caused by being malnourished, which can cause a deadly imbalance of electrolytes during detox.

Benefits of AmeriHealth Heroin Detox Coverage

The AmeriHealth Heroin Detox Coverage insurance plan offers painless detox that is medically supervised. For rehab and detox programs to manage heroin withdrawals and recovery AmeriHealth has enlisted the services of Magellan Behavioral Health. This subsidiary is in charge of managing all substance abuse and behavioral health offerings for individuals under AmeriHealth.

Through the AmeriHealth Heroin Detox Coverage benefits your detox and rehab costs will be provided through your choice of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). To ensure that your treatment options are included within this benefit, check first with your choice of detox facility to make certain they are included in the HMO or PPO. Keep in mind that your detox and subsequent rehab services for heroin addiction will have to be considered medically vital to your well being. Additionally, you will have to check with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) to get a referral for detox and rehab from heroin.

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