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Am I An Addict?

Have you ever wondered whether or not your drinking has become unmanageable? Are there ways to tell if you are addicted to alcohol? While some people can drink pretty regularly and still function, what is the line that divides addiction from over indulging a little too often? 

Addiction is a disease that is self diagnosed, but there are times when it is hard to be sure if drinking and drugging crosses a line from fun to dangerous. 

Of course, if you find yourself questioning if your alcohol use indicates an issue, then chances are there may be a problem. If you do discover there is cause for worry about your drinking, there is help. Oceanside Malibu is a beachside treatment facility offering comprehensive treatment to help others get their lives back on track. 

If you are wondering if perhaps there is a concern with drinking, take a look at the questionnaire below and get some answers for yourself. 

1. Do you spend a good amount of your time getting over hangovers or feeling ill from the night before? 

We’ve all had those nights that led into rough mornings. But is this a regular event in your life? Are you constantly popping Tylenol and chugging Pepto Bismol just to make it through the day? 

2. When you do drink, is it hard to stop once you start? 

Even when you are drunk and feel out of control, is it difficult to stop consuming alcohol before passing out? If there is a drink within arm’s reach, are you going to have it, even if you promised yourself you weren’t going to drink, or weren’t going to drink more than a specific amount of drinks?

3. When drinking, do you need to drink a lot in order to feel anything?

When you first started drinking, one or two would get you buzzed. But now it takes five or six or more to even feel anything. While it may have seemed cool to be able to hold your liquor at one point, building up a tolerance to alcohol may be an indication that you are drinking too much. The opposite is also true, if you immediately feel drunk in the first few sips, it can be a sign that the alcoholism has progressed significantly.

4. Do you crave alcohol?

This may seem like a no-brainer, but this may not be the most obvious thing in the world to recognize. Feeling the urge to drink because you had a tough day at work, or are going through a breakup often feels like a very normal thing to want to do. But needing alcohol for doing every day, mundane tasks like doing the laundry or paying bills is problematic. Creating excuses to drink can be a sign that there is something going on. 

5. Do you change your habits or schedule so you have more time to drink?

Have you missed important events or occasions due to your drinking? Stop hanging out with friends or family members that don’t drink so you can? Stop doing things you normally loved to do, like visiting a museum or taking a class, because they cut into your drinking time? Do you get drunk despite knowing you have an obligation the following morning? Have hangovers kept you from keeping plans professionally or personally?

6. Have you ever tried to stop drinking but couldn’t?

Have you ever told yourself you can quit whenever you want, but then discover that in fact, not drinking is proving to be much for difficult that you anticipated? 

7. Has drinking ever caused issues in a relationship or job?

Do you call in sick to your job often because you’re nursing a terrible hangover? Have you felt embarrassed about your behavior at an office function the next day due to your drinking? Have you ever had issues with others due to drinking, like starting fights or having an affair? 

8. Have others suggested that maybe you have a problem with drinking?

Addiction is sometimes hard to recognize in ourselves, but others may express concern that you are drinking too much. If someone in your life mentions that they are worried about your consumption, that is something you may want to consider. 

9. Has alcohol affected you negatively in the past, such as getting a DUI, but you still continue to drink?

Everybody makes mistakes, and sometimes making a bad judgement call can lead to getting a DUI. Aside from the hassle and cost, getting a DUI may be a wake up call that alcohol is affecting your life negatively. 

10. Are there negative physical side effects if you don’t drink, like tremors or other withdrawal symptoms? 

Having your hands or any other part of your body shakes uncontrollably when you stop consuming alcohol is a definitive sign that you need help. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, even life threatening, if not taken care of properly. Going through a medical detox is often the first step, then going to a treatment program. 

11. Has alcohol affected your mood, but you continue to drink anyway? 

Alcohol is a depressant, and there is a strong link to people who are depressed drinking too much. It is very common for people who are initially depressed to drink because it takes their mind off of things for a while. Drinking affects the brain and can even make antidepressant medications less effective. 

12. Do you blackout or not remember what you did when you were under the influence? 

Nothing’s quite as unnerving as waking up to a series of texts from people recanting what you did last night, and having absolutely no recollection of it. Blacking out is often the result of slamming too many drinks in a short amount of time. While being in a blackout, you still function for the most part, but your brain is not able to make memories. This can lead to some seriously dangerous situations, like crashing a car, assaulting someone or getting assaulted, or worse. 

Even if you answer yes to these questions, it is important to remember that you are not a bad person or should feel ashamed. Alcoholism is a disease, and it is treated like any other illness. 

Only you can decide for yourself if there is an actually addiction or not. But if there is, getting help for it can save your life. Oceanside Malibu can give you that help. They offer individualized treatment programs that cater to the specific needs of their clients. Oceanside Malibu’s staff treat the whole person and not just the symptoms of their addiction. 

While in treatment at Oceanside, clients start to uncover the underlying issues that may have led to their need to drink and do drugs in the first place. They approach every client from a place of healing and offer them tools for coping with cravings and triggers. They provide a strong foundation in recovery and show their clients that there is fun and joy in a life free of alcohol. 

If you are concerned that you may have an addiction to alcohol, don’t hesitate to seek help. 

Find out more about Oceanside Malibu at Reach Oceanside Malibu by phone at (866) 738-6550. Find Oceanside Malibu on Facebook

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