Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: New Year’s Edition!

Hey so here we are, right? A new year. You guys do resolutions?

In thinking about the episodes I wanted to group together for this post, I figured they should be ones that best demonstrate how much lives can be turned around one day at a time (perhaps one of your resolutions was to forgive cheesiness/cliches?). So I present one episode about a crack-addict-turned-yoga-recovery pioneer and one about a drunk-turned-fittest-man-alive.

Tommy Rosen. The creator of the Recovery 2.0 movement, Tommy Rosen first got on the sugar as a kid. Later the vices turned a bit darker. He got sober but the darkness remained, all of it culminating with him in a guru’s Beverly Hills office in unimaginable physical (and emotional) pain. Now he’s the go-to guy for people who get sober and still find their lives wanting.

Rich Roll. Another guy who got sober and still found himself with a few problems, Roll was turning into a middle-aged slob: overeating, under-exercising, drowning in a law practice. And so he decided to do a cleanse. Well, that led to several Ultraman World Championships and a career as a bestselling author and plant-based nutrition advocate. Roll is inspiration at its finest (seriously—I mean, look at the guy’s photo). (Rosen’s too.) (Let’s call this the #SobrietyisBeautiful entry, k?)

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