Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: Mackenzie Phillips

Mackenzie Phillips had, from the outside, the most glamorous childhood that could be imagined: the daughter of the Mamas and Papas lead singer John Phillips, she starred in American Graffiti and on the hit TV show One Day at a Time as a teenager while hitting every club on the Sunset Strip. But her career was stymied by addiction—until 1992, when she went into treatment. After a bout of long-term sobriety, she relapsed and was eventually  arrested at the airport with heroin on her while on her way to New York for a One Day at a Time reunion on The Rachel Ray Show. The release of her book, High on Arrival—and the revelation in it that she’d had a 10-year consensual sexual relationship with her father—sent the media (and her family) into a tizzy. Now sober again and arguably as enthusiastic about recovery as anyone I’ve ever come across, Phillips is the Recovery Advocate for the Pasadena Recovery Center and a sought after speaker on spiritual matters.

Get the podcast on ItunesSoundcloud or Stitcher. Find Mackenzie Phillips on Twitter. Photo by Christopher Ameruoso. Used with permission.

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