Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: Katie Rubin

Actress, comedian, solo show performer, writer and healer (yep, you read that right) Katie Rubin is no ordinary hyphenate. Not only has she toured the country with her one-woman shows and performed repeatedly on the stage but she also coaches performers in stand up and solo show making and has done numerous commercials and voice-over jobs. And then there’s the healing work, where she offers clearing sessions, access consciousness and more. So how did she get to the point where she could offer this, you ask? Well, at seven years of sobriety, she hit a wall. None of the tools she’d learned that were supposed to help her worked anymore. Then, through a Byzantine set of circumstances, she ended up studying Sufism at a school in Northern California for three years. In this episode, she and I discuss what it means to move from your head to your heart, how she knows who’s calling her before she looks at her phone and why she should be the female Jon Stewart, among other topics.

Subscribe to the podcast on Itunes or listen to it on Soundcloud or Stitcher. Find Katie Rubin on Twitter, YouTube and her personal site as well as on HigherTruthLearning. Photo courtesy of Katie Rubin.

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