Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: Jeff Ullrich

Jeff UlrichEarwolf co-founder Jeff Ullrich is something of a podcast legend—ever since he and Scott Aukerman created the podcast network Earwolf in 2010. Now arguably the biggest network in the game, Earwolf hosts everything from Comedy Bang Bang (since turned into an IFC show), Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show, Sklarboro Country, Who Charted? and How Did This Get Made? among many others. But Ullrich has actually recently left the company he launched (in his own words, he fired himself). Sober for two years and change, this is a guy who took a somewhat lengthy route to alcoholism: though he drank as a kid, he spent the next decade a teetotaler who lectured other people about partying before joining the heavy drinking brigade in his mid-20s. After a good run, though, it all got unmanageable by his late 30s and now he’s navigating the next sober chapter of his life as afather and husband (cute fact: he grew up across the street from his wife). In this episode, he and I talk about supporting yourself by playing pool, drinking yourself into a state where you forget which 7-11 you’re calling your wife from, getting hypnotized to quit smoking and trying to be better at surrendering, among other topics.

Subscribe to the podcast on Itunes or listen to it on Soundcloud or Stitcher. Find Jeff Ullrich on Twitter. Jeff Ullrich photo courtesy of Jeff Ullrich.

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