Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: Growing Older in Sobriety with Screenwriter Jeff Roda

Jeff RodaScreenwriter Jeff Roda is not someone who’s going to be bragging about his accomplishments. You will, in fact, have to attempt to drag them out of him—and you still won’t be successful at learning much. Everything about what he’s done career wise must be gleaned through Google. And here it is: he’s written screenplays for DreamWorks, Paramount Pictures and New Regency Films, and television pilots for the WB, CBS and Media Rights Capital. He was a producer on Love Liza starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Kathy Bates, has written three Black List scripts and he is currently developing his pilot When I’m Sixty-Four for HBO. He’s also either 12 or 13 years sober, according to him (it was determined that it was 13) and has a lot to say about developing emotional maturity, becoming invisible as you age and isolating (the conversation is a lot more hilarious and uplifting than it sounds, swear). In this episode, we talked about reminding your hairdresser of her uncle, Eve Plumb (that’s Jan Brady to you and me), long-term sobriety and whether or not his friend Andrew is a figment of his imagination, among other topics.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or listen to it on Soundcloud or Stitcher. Find Jeff Roda on Twitter.

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