Rehab Reviews

AfterPartyPod: Dave Nadelberg

Dave NadelbergMortified creator Dave Nadelberg is the guy behind—yes—Mortified, a “cultural phenomenon” (per Newsweek) that consists of a live show in cities around the world (from Austin, LA and New York to Amsterdam, London and Guadalajara), two books, a TV show, a documentary and now a podcast. The Mortified concept, in short, is this: people take diary entries, letters and any other ephemera from their childhoods and read them on a stage (the books featured collections of some of them, the TV show had Nadelberg going through personal artifacts with celebrities, the documentary documented the entire project and the podcast consists of recordings of live shows accompanied by interviews with the performers). As the guy who created a project that gives adults a chance to connect with their old selves while taking the shame out of previous, potentially ludicrous, thoughts and feelings, Nadelberg is a thoughtful soul. Though he’s not an addict, he’s worked through his own share of issues over the years, all of which we get into here. In this episode, we discuss male sluttiness, why therapy doesn’t need to take place in an office with a shrink and how sex is psychological, among other topics.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or listen to it on Soundcloud or Stitcher. Find Dave Nadelberg on Twitter. Find Mortified on Facebook and Twitter. Dave Nadelberg photo courtesy of Chris Ragazzo. Used with permission.

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